YPJ issues declaration on the desecration of graves in Afrin

The Women’s Defense Units (Yekîneyên Parastina Jin, YPJ) have spoken out about the exhumation of corpses from a martyrs’ cemetery by the Turkish occupation forces in Afrin and published the identities of the martyrs from the 2018 resistance. With this attack on the ideal values ​​of the Kurdish people, the occupying force once again showed its barbaric face, according to the statement issued by the press office of the YPJ.

The Turkish media claimed in mid-July that the cemetery near Avrîn Hospital was a mass grave of civilians, victims of the YPG / YPJ. That this is a propaganda lie has already been confirmed by the institutions concerned with photos and documents, according to the YPJ.

The Kurdish people will not surrender despite this practice and will not give up their values, achieved with great sacrifice, said the YPJ, adding: “Brutal methods like these and mass graves are a practice of the hegemonic forces. The states that remain silent about this attack by the Turkish state will go down in history as inhumane and cruel hegemonic states. The silence of the UN and the EU states about the events in Afrin has encouraged the Turkish state to attack the corpses of young Kurds who gave their lives in the resistance against the occupation of Afrin.”

The YPJ point out that there is daily new information about kidnappings, torture and murders of the civilian population in Afrin. The statement added that “the propaganda lies about alleged mass graves is an attempt to legitimize the occupation. The desecration of the graves shows that the brutal approach knows no bounds.”

The YPJ gave information about the exhumed corpses of the martyrs in the Afrin resistance. Among others, was Navdar Serhed (Davut Özsular), who joined the Kurdish liberation movement in Germany in 2014 and fell a martyr in Afrin on 12 March 2018. According to the YPJ, all of the men and women who fell as martyrs in action are fighters of the Rojava Revolution who defended Afrin until the last moment of their lives and thus went down in history. The YPJ announce revenge and declare that Afrin will be freed from the occupation.