At least 15 sheep killed by cluster bomb in Gever

A serious explosion occurred in the Kurdish district of Gever (tr. Yüksekova) in Hakkari. Near the hamlet of Bêrindik, an unexploded cluster bomb exploded in a flock of sheep. The two shepherds were unharmed, but at least 15 sheep were killed.

Ammunition prohibited under international law

The Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the use, production and transfer of cluster munitions under international law, has been in force since August 1, 2010. Cluster bombs consist of hundreds of so-called bomblets that disperse over an area after the bomb is dropped. Between 5 and 20 percent of submunitions are unexploded ordnance, according to human rights organizations, resulting in a threat level similar to landmines. 98 percent of all victims of these weapons are civilians, a quarter of them children. Turkey continues to use cluster bombs and has not joined the Convention on Cluster Munitions, to which 110 states are now parties.