Kurdish family forced to get back to Iran despite safety concerns

Turkey has been recently talking about the entry of hundreds of Afghan people into the country.

Hundreds of Afghan refugees fall into the hands of human traffickers and military officials after they enter Turkey from the border where no measures are taken.

The Afghan refugees who are put on minibuses and boats die either in a traffic accident or as a result of the sinking of their boats in Lake Van. Since last year, 100 irregular refugees have lost their lives during these accidents.


While Afghan refugees are allowed to cross the border, a Kurdish family comprising of 5 people who did not want their names to be disclosed for security reasons, attempted to enter Turkey from the Kapıköy border gate on the night of July 12 due to political reasons. However, the Turkish soldiers stopped the Kurdish family and took them to a police station. The family said that they seek refuge in Turkey, but the soldiers took the family back to the Iranian border without any official registration. The Turkish soldiers forced the family to cross back to Iran. When the family rejected it, the soldiers opened fire in the air and forced them to return to Iran.

Returning to Iran, the family has announced that their life safety is in jeopardy.