HBDH: The spirit of July 14 is hovering in the mountains of Kurdistan

The Executive Committee of the Peoples’ United Revolutionary Movement (HBDH) has released a written statement on the anniversary of the July 14 Great Death Fast Resistance, saying the following:

“The military fascist dictatorship of September 12, 1980 attempted to eliminate the ideas of freedom and dreams of the future. The country was turned into a prison and every government building became torture centres. Revolutionary prisoners were tortured in the prisons of Metris-Mamak-Amed. The Kurdish freedom struggle was suppressed especially in the Amed Prison No. 5.


In the Amed Prison No. 5, a fierce battle was fought between surrender and resistance, betrayal and loyalty to the revolution, freedom and slavery. Mazlum Doğan was the leading figure in the war against betrayal and surrender. The Newroz fire of March 21 was spread by him all over the prisons. The comrades Ferhat Kurtay, Necmi Öner, Mahmut Zengin and Eşref Anyık responded to his call. The fire of resistance was now expanding.

The honour resistance, which shook the walls of the prisons, flourished further when M. Hayri Durmuş and Kemal Pir decided to carry out a death fast on July 14, 1982. The crimes against humanity committed by the military fascist dictatorship of September 12 began to be tried by revolutionary prisoners in the prisons and courts and thrown into the dustbin of history. The oppressed and revolutionary prisoners tried fascism in the courts of September 12.  They cursed the torture.

Comrade M. Hayri Durmuş, one of the leading cadres of the resistance, put down the most modest letters of resistance and determination on the mountains of free lands, saying, ‘Write “indebted” on my tombstone’. The great Commander Kemal Pir, who once said that ‘We love life so much that we can die for it’, incorporated the most meaningful dreams of freedom of the peoples. A new era began in the prisons and in the history of the struggle of the Kurds.

The other prisoners who could not raise their voices for fear of persecution were inspired by the resistance in the dark corridors of the prisons under the motto “human dignity will defeat torture”. The awakening had begun. No persecution could stop the awakening of revolutionary prisoners and people for freedom.


The exploitation and oppression policy of the ruling classes and the attacks to destroy the Kurds have never changed since those days. Currently, the Turkish state wants to commit genocide against the Kurds by invading South Kurdistan. But their efforts are in vain. The spirit of July 14 resistance is hovering in the mountains of Kurdistan. No betrayal and collaboration can stop the rising Kurdish freedom struggle.”