HSM: We will crown resistance with victory

The People’s Defense Centre (HSM) Headquarter has released a written statement to commemorate the Great Death Fast resistance in Amed prison on July 14, 1982.

“As the 40th anniversary of the Great Resistance of July 14 is approaching, we commemorate all the martyrs of the Kurdistan Freedom Revolution with respect and gratitude in the persons of Mehmet Hayri Durmuş, Kemal Pir, Akif Yılmaz and Ali Çiçek who created the PKK resistance. We commend the spirit of July 14 resistance and Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan’s stance against the Imrali Torture System for 23 years. We promise that we will march to victory in the line of martyrs by keeping this spirit and stance alive everywhere including the mountains of Kurdistan,” the statement said.

“Comrade Mazlum Doğan, who formed the political outlook of our party and sparked the Amed Prison Resistance with his historic action on March 21, 1982, became victorious over the fascist Turkish junta. The PKK’s decision to return to the country in 1982 and the subsequent Glorious August 15 Initiative in 1984 transformed this historic struggle of honour into a reality of a fighting people who marched to victory,” the statement continued.

“The PKK line and movement, which has been fighting and creating values ​​for the people of Kurdistan for the last 40 years, is still facing major attacks. However, the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla has never compromised the Apoist ideology, the great resistance of July 14 and the revolutionary people’s war line. The Garê Resistance which was carried out under the leadership of our great commander Comrade Şoreş Beytüşşebap in Garê on 10-14 February 2021; the Mamreşo Resistance under the leadership of our commanders Serhat Giravi and Sarya Diyar in Mamreşo on April 23-May 3, 2021; the Aris Faris Resistance under the command of our leading YJA Star commanders Diyana Maria and Amara Cudî and the recent guerrilla warfare that spread to Heftanîn, Xakurkê, Avaşîn, Zap, Metîna and all of South Kurdistan have been the biggest proof of the victorious truth of the Spirit of July 14,” the HSM statement noted.

“We reiterate our promise that we will make these heroes genuine immortals by following in the footsteps of these prominent comrades and by carrying out the sacred struggle for freedom and equality. We, as the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas, state that we are determined to crown the flag of resistance that we took over from our martyrs with the victory of the Kurdistan Freedom Revolution.”