KCDK-E: Congress successfully held thanks to solidarity

The Co-Presidency Council of the European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress (KCDK-E) has released a written statement about the repression by German authorities against the association.

KCDK-E thanked thank all the institutions and individuals who showed solidarity with their congress, as well as the co-chairs and the delegates who participated in the congress from various countries.

The KCDK-E statement includes the following:

“The 4th Congress of the KCDK-E, which is Europe’s largest Kurdish organization, set to be held in Cologne on July 11, was unlawfully prevented by the German police. The KCDK-E, which did not take a step back in the face of this arbitrary and unlawful treatment, held its congress in an open area and thus frustrated the German ban.

We have initiated legal action against this arbitrary and unlawful treatment by the German police. Likewise, legal proceedings have been initiated against the reports of some German press-media organizations that defame, target and criminalize the KCDK-E.


In alliance with the Turkish state and dictator Erdogan, Germany wanted to prevent the congress with a political decision which defied its own constitution. Germany itself has violated international law and the article 6 of its constitution which stipulates that “everyone has the right to organize and express their opinion, regardless of their identity, colour, gender and political opinion”. The KCDK-E and congress delegates showed the German government how democracy and law should be exercised with its congress held in an open field.


Germany prevented the flight of the Defend Kurdistan Initiative members to South Kurdistan and manifested a similar attitude towards the KCDK-E congress. Therefore, Germany declared its open support for the massacre and occupation policies of Turkey in Kurdistan. Friends, intellectuals, deputies from all over the world supported the KCDK-E against this unlawful decision of Germany.

The KCDK-E, the largest umbrella organization of the Kurdish people in Europe, which carries out a democratic, legitimate and just struggle, held its congress in an open field where many delegates and friends from Scandinavia to Italy were present. A former senator of Italy, who is 82 years old, attended the congress and protested the German ban. 50 Kurdish organizations and 20 institutions, including Komala, PUK, Gorran, and the Democratic Forces Union were present at the congress area for solidarity. Moreover, HDP Honorary Chair Ertuğrul Kürkçü, DTK Former co-chair Hatip Dicle and Swedish Left Party Deputy Daniel Riazat gave support to our congress.


Benny Gustavsson, Spokesperson of the Swedish Kurdish Friendship Group, writer Luigi Vinci, a two-term senator in Italy and a former member of the European Parliament and a member of the Freedom for Öcalan Committee in Italy, and Italian activist Silvana Barbieri also expressed their solidarity. The congress appointed a new administration and co-chairs.

Fatoş Göksungur and Yüksel Koç have been elected as co-chairs. KON-MED co-chairs Zübeyde Zümrüt and Engin Sever, and Nadiy Salih, Hamit Biten, Nursel Aydoğan, Murat Ceylan, Ahmet Kobani and Midia Abdah were elected to the management. The disciplinary and supervisory board was also elected for the new term.”