KBDH: Our promise to Deniz will be revolution

The Women’s United Revolutionary Movement (KBDH) vowed to call those responsible for Deniz Poyraz’s murder to account and said that ‘We promise a revolution to her’.

In a written statement, the KBDH said; “The peoples of Turkey and North Kurdistan have witnessed another massacre in the morning of June 17. The target was again a Kurd, a woman, and a revolutionary. Due to their hatred towards the peoples, the tyrants with blood on their hands have committed countless crimes against the oppressed peoples, and they do not recognize any limits in their atrocities.”

The KBDH statement continued, “The AKP-MHP fascist government has been through a major crisis recently, which it cannot overcome despite all efforts, therefore it intensifies its attacks day by day. It is the fascist government’s greatest desire to intimidate the masses of people with fear, oppression, torture and massacre, and to finish off the forces of revolution and democracy that constitute alternatives to it. The murder of Deniz Poyraz is a clear sign of this desire. The fascist rule and its corrupt order have been exposed in all its aspects, and the anger of the people has already started to turn into rebellion. The legitimate struggles of women, workers, young people and the oppressed cannot be stopped, nor can the persistent and determined struggles of the revolution and democracy forces be caused to go back. Invasion attempts encounter great resistance from the guerrilla. The flattering NATO does not do any good either.

As KBDH, our promise to Deniz will be revolution. We will call those responsible for her murder to account, we will be Deniz and we will carry the struggle for women’s freedom to victory.

Forward in all areas of struggle to respond to the murder of Deniz!”