Rojava commemorates victims of the ISIS massacre in Kobanê

In Rojava, the victims of the Kobanê massacre are being remembered today. 252 civilians, including 64 women and 35 children, died in the massacre on June 25, 2015 – perpetrated by the terrorist organization ISIS, with backing from Ankara.

The massacre occurred after the successful defense of the city against ISIS attacks. On January 26, 2015, the YPG/YPJ had declared Kobanê liberated. The city had been destroyed, but reconstruction had begun. Ten days after the YPG and YPJ liberated Girê Spî (Tal Abyad) on June 15 of the same year and advanced on Raqqa, the self-proclaimed “capital of the caliphate,” ISIS jihadists disguised in YPG uniforms entered Kobanê from two sides.

60 ISIS terrorists from Turkey had passed the Mürşitpınar border crossing, which was completely closed at the time, with the knowledge of Turkish soldiers – in vehicles with mounted DShK machine gun. Another ISIS platoon came through Jarablus. The attack began at dawn with the explosion of a truck bomb. Afterwards, the jihadists descended on Kobanê. The jihadists went from house to house, killing old people, men, women and children. People reported that the killers had specially shaved off their beards in order to enter the city undetected.

Nevertheless, the People’s and Women’s Defense Units (YPG/YPJ) were able to repel the attack. Left behind were 252 dead civilians, the youngest only a few years old, and two dozen fallen fighters. They were buried in a special memorial cemetery in the city.