YJA Star guerrilla Aydın: The enemy won’t break the will of the Kurdish people

The invasion attacks launched by the Turkish state on Medya Defense Areas on 23 April continue. YJA Star guerrilla Viyan Sema Aydın, who is fighting in Avashin, evaluated the attacks of the Turkish state and the guerrilla resistance. Guerrilla Aydın, who stated that the Turkish state attacked the guerrilla areas using all its technology in the ongoing operations, added: “The guerrilla is resisting these attacks with a great will. Our party is the party of the martyrs and the resistance. No matter what the enemy does, they cannot break the determination of the Kurdish people and the guerrillas. There are great resistance in many areas. The enemy cannot destroy us with these attacks. We will continue our struggle until the end. The Kurdish people will definitely win.”

Guerrilla Aydın continued: “Our war started with the resistance of comrades Serhat and Ekin in Avaşin area and this resistance will result in victory. First of all, comrade Asya, Ruken, Ekin, Sarya and other friends waged a very tough war against the attacks launched by the Turkish state. The Turkish state wants to break the will of women with all its brutal and dirty methods. The enemy sees women as weak, but it should never forget this; Our leader is Abdullah Öcalan and we are his militants. Rêber Öcalan created the will of women with his will and struggle. We will crown this resistance with victory.”

Emphasizing that women fighters have taken part in this war with their actions since it started, on 23 April, guerrilla Aydın added: “Women play an active role through the YJA Star force in this war. As long as our people are with us, this resistance will end with victory. Those fighting in these tunnels are not only the Turkish soldiers. The Turkish state is using mercenaries to carry out brutal attacks against the Kurdish people in the Middle East in this war and is attacking us with them. The enemy does not approach the tunnels because of fear, they attach cameras to their dogs and send them to the areas where our comrades are. Even this method of the Turkish army, which constantly claims that it is not afraid of the guerrilla, shows to what extend they are afraid of guerrillas. Their biggest fear is to be killed by a female guerrilla. Let the enemy not forget this: women will never step back no matter what and will fight to the end with great determination. This struggle will surely end in success. Our women’s army has been resisting the attacks of the Turkish state since its establishment and will resist to the end.”