HDP Istanbul MP Canbaz invites everyone to take to the streets against the attacks on the HDP

Speaking to ANF about the killing of Deniz Poyraz and the attack against her party, HDP Istanbul Deputy Dilşad Canbaz said that “provocation” statements are a systematic attack.

Drawing attention to the importance of standing side by side, Canbaz said that they would not back down from the street and added: “Today, we were protesting for Deniz in every street and neighbourhood of Turkey and Kurdistan, and we will continue to take to the streets and protest. We won’t withdraw.”

Stating that this attack should be considered as a systematic attack rather than a provocation, deputy Canbaz added that the black propaganda statements made against the HDP for years were responsible for Deniz Poyraz’s death.

“There is a situation that targets the HDP and targets the grassroots of the HDP in every speech made on all televisions, channels and squares. In the past month we have been witnessing the Kobanê case. We saw people trying to enter the courtroom in Sincan courthouse with their flags and slogans the day before Deniz was murdered.”

Emphasizing that the murder of Poyraz was a massacre rather than a murder, Canbaz said: “It is not a matter of someone taking revenge on another person. All of this has been planned together with the judiciary, the lawyers, the police, the deputies and the ministers, by using the language of this government in a very systematic way, wherever one is.”

Everyone should take to the streets

Dilşad Canbaz added that HDP supporters did not give up on peace and freedom and said that people other than HDP supporters had also something to say.

She went on saying that what killed Deniz Poyraz was a bullet that was fired not only against HDP members but also against democracy: “We need to stand side by side with all the institutions and organizations, especially the opposition parties, and civil society organizations here. I think it’s time for us to get together because we know that the HDP closure case is not a coincidence precisely as Deniz’s murder was not a coincidence. We know it won’t stop there. That’s why it’s time to come together because the bullet that was fired at us will be fired tomorrow against those who do not answer, the attack will continue. I invite everyone to take to the streets. Internal affairs and law enforcement officers are responsible for the security of our institutions wherever we are, in our provinces and districts. We need to tell our people that we will defeat this fear policy together. Together, we will beat this, by standing in the street. We will be the answer.”