72 Bar Association Presidents condemn the attack on HDP and the killing of Deniz Poyraz

72 Bar Association presidents issued a joint written statement condemning the killing of Deniz Poyraz in the armed attack against the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir Provincial Organization. “The dark forces behind the attack must be exposed. They are trying to drive our country into a climate of violence.”

The statement said: “One of our citizens was killed in an armed attack on HDP Izmir Provincial Directorate on 17 June 2021. This attack is an attack on our social unity, democracy and the peace of our country. The murder of Deniz Poyraz, the daughter of a worker in Izmir HDP provincial building, increases our concerns about social cohesion and our fears that our country is being drawn into a climate of violence.”

The statement added: “We condemn this attack on our unity and solidarity and our culture of living together, and we express our condolences to the family of Deniz Poyraz. We demand that the legal authorities complete the necessary investigation and hand them over to the judiciary as soon as possible to bring all responsible people and the dark forces behind the attack, to justice.”

The signatories of the statement are as follows: 

“Adana Bar Association President Atty. Veli Küçük
Adıyaman Bar Association President Atty. Mustafa Koroglu
Afyonkarahisar Bar Association President Atty. Turgay Sahin
Pain Bar Association President Atty. Mehmet Salih Aydin
Amasya Bar Association President Atty. Ahmet Melik Derindere
Ankara Bar Association President Atty. Ramiz Erinç Sagkan
Antalya Bar Association President Atty. Polat Balkan
Ardahan Bar Association President Atty. Osman Nuri Yildiz
Artvin Bar Association President Atty. Ayla Varan
Aydın Bar Association President Atty. Gokhan Bozkurt
Balıkesir Bar Association President Atty. Erol Kayabay
Bartın Bar Association President Atty. Ferhat Parlatır
Batman Bar Association President Atty. Erkan Şenses
Bilecik Bar Association President Atty. Halima Aynur
Bingöl Bar Association President Atty. Omer Faruk Hulaku
President of Bitlis Bar Association Fuat Özgül
Bolu Bar Association President Atty. Sabri Erhendekci
Burdur Bar Association President Atty. Ramadan Gedik
Bursa Bar Association President Atty. Gurkan Altun
Çanakkale Bar Association President Atty. Bulent Sarlan
Çankırı Bar Association President Atty. Erkan Koroglu
Çorum Bar Association President Atty. Kenan Yasar
Denizli Bar Association President Atty. Mujdat İlhan
President of Amed Bar Association Nahit Eren
Düzce Bar Association President Atty. Azade Ay
Edirne Bar Association President Alper Pınar
Erzincan Bar Association President Atty. Adem Akturk
Erzurum Bar Association President Atty. Talat Gogebakan
Eskişehir Bar Association President Atty. Mustafa Elagoz
Antep Bar Association President Atty. Bektas Sarkli
Giresun Bar Association President Atty. Soner Karademir
Gumushane-Bayburt Bar Association Regional Bar President Serkan Pekmezci
Hakkari Bar Association President Atty. Ergun Canan
Hatay Bar Association President Atty. Hussein Cihat Acikalin
Iğdır Bar Association President Atty. Serkan Alakan
Isparta Bar Association President Atty. Unsal Cankaya
Istanbul Bar Association President Atty. Mehmet Durakoglu
İzmir Bar Association President Atty. Ozkan Yucel
Maraş Bar Association President Hunting. Mohammed Burak Gul
Kars Bar Association President Atty. Fettah Capkurt
Kastamonu Bar Association President Atty. Özgür Demir
Kayseri Bar Association President Atty. Cavit Dursun
Kırıkkale Bar Association President Atty. Talat Apaydin
Kırklareli Bar Association President Atty. Turgay Hınız
Kilis Bar Association President Atty. Hayri Muammer Fazliagaoglu
Kocaeli Bar Association President Atty. Bahar Gultekin Candemir
Konya Bar Association President Atty. Mustafa Aladag
Kütahya Bar Association President Atty. Ahmet Atam
Malatya Bar Association President Atty. Anwar Khan
Manisa Bar Association President Atty. Ali Arslan
Mardin Bar Association President Atty. Ismail Elik
Mersin Bar Association President Atty. Bilgin Yesilbogaz
Muğla Bar Association President Atty. Cumhur Uzun
Muş Bar Association President Atty. Kadir Karacelik
Army Bar Association President Atty. Haluk Murat Poyraz
Osmaniye Bar Association President Atty. Ibrahim Halil Yavuzdogan
Sakarya Bar Association President Atty. Abdurrahim Burak
Samsun Bar Association President Atty. Pinar Gursel Yıldıran
Siirt Bar Association President Atty. Nizam Dilek
Sinop Bar Association President Atty. Hicran Kandemir
Sivas Bar Association President Atty. Fatih Sevim
Urfa Bar Association President Atty. Abdullah Oncel
Şırnak Bar Association President Atty. Rojhat Dilsiz
Tekirdag Bar Association President Atty. Sedat Tekneci
Tokat Bar Association President Atty. Melih Yardimci
Trabzon Bar Association President Atty. Sibel Suicmez
Tunceli Bar Association President Atty. Kenan Cetin
Uşak Bar Association President Atty. Emin Coskun
Van Bar Association President Atty. Zülküf Uçar
Yalova Bar Association President Atty. Fedayi Doğruyol
Yozgat Bar Association President Atty. Muhsin Ayanoglu
Zonguldak Bar Association President Atty. Ozel Eroglu.”