Strasbourg vigil: “Europe should not be a partner to Turkey’s crimes”

A vigil supported by 78 organizations from Kurdistan and Turkey has taken place in Strasbourg since May 12. In front of the Council of Europe, protests were staged against the Turkish invasion of South Kurdistan, the crimes against the Kurdish people, the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan and the silence of Europe. The action took place within the framework of the campaign “Against occupation and genocide, everywhere is Avaşîn, Zap and Metîna – Time for freedom” initiated by the European umbrella organizations TJK-E and KCDK-E and was supported by changing groups from Switzerland, Germany and France.

During the four-week vigil, seminars were held on various topics. Among other things, the crimes of the Turkish state against religious communities and cultures were addressed. Also, the martyrs of the revolutionary liberation struggle were commemorated. In addition, protest actions were held in front of the Council of Europe building and in the city center. On the sidelines of the vigil, information dossiers were submitted to the permanent representations of the Council of Europe member countries. The highlight of the action was a protest march to the US Consulate on Wednesday.

The vigil was concluded on Thursday with a rally. On this occasion, Pelda Jindar stated the following on behalf of the Kurdish Women’s Association in Europe, TJK-E: “Our vigil ends today. Within the past four weeks, we as Kurdish women and as Kurdish people as a whole have protested against the genocide started by the Turkish state, the occupation of our country and the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan. We call on the countries of Europe not to be a partner to these crimes against humanity.” The struggle will now continue in a decentralized manner, she added.
