HPG: Turkey is deliberately bombing civilian settlements in South Kurdistan

The People’s Defense Force (HPG) Press Centre issued a written statement regarding guerrilla resistance and invasion attacks in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

The HPG statement said that guerrilla fighter Andok Erdîş was injured during armed clashes in the Dola Maran area of Avaşîn region on May 23. Despite the medical response, he fell a martyr on May 24.

Identity information of the fallen fighter:

Nom de Guerre: Andok Erdîş

Name, Surname: Zafer Kapıcı

Birthplace: Van

Mother – Father Name: Perişan – Cengiz

Date and Place of Martyrdom: May 24, 2021 / Avaşîn


The statement included the following on the life and resistance of the fallen guerrilla fighter from Van province:

“Our comrade Andok, who was born into a patriotic and working-class family in Erdîş (Erciş) district of Van province, grew up in a patriotic environment. Forced to go to metropolises at a young age due to the forced migration and deterritorialization policies of the colonial Turkish state, he began to realize the racist and genocidal reality of the fascist Turkish state. Comrade Andok was in search of a struggle against the policy of genocide and turned his face to the free mountains in 2014. He was convinced that the PKK is a genuine struggle and resistance movement against all kinds of injustice and genocide policy.

Comrade Andok displayed a constant development and succeeded in creating an Apoist self-sacrificing militant personality by incorporating the ideology of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan and the culture of labour, resistance and loyalty to the native lands. Comrade Andok, who had garnered much practice in a short time from Serhat to the Zagros, was a guerrilla known for his hardworking and humble personality fighting always on the resistance front. Known for his courage and valour in the areas of Serhat, Avaşîn and Xakurkê, our comrade always left a mark wherever he went to. Andok participated in many actions in the Stûnê and Basya areas against the invasion attacks of the genocidal Turkish state and displayed heroic resistance. He will always be remembered as a symbol of labour and sacrifice in the struggle for freedom with his efforts and self-sacrificing stance and will be an inspiration to us on the road to victory.

We extend our condolences to the precious family of our martyred comrade, the people of Erdîş and all patriotic people of Kurdistan.


The Turkish troops in the areas of Dola Maran, Tabura Ereban and Dola Konferansê in the Avaşîn region pulled one stage back on June 1.


The invading Turkish army is deliberately bombing settlements, villages, vineyards and gardens, despite the objections and reactions of our people in South Kurdistan. Moreover, it drops bombs in many areas with howitzers and fighter jets leading to wildfires that still continue to rage.

The details of the latest bombardments carried out by the Turkish army are as follows:

On June 2, between 21:30 and 00:00, Zendura Hill in the Kani Masi sub-district of Amadiya district in the Metina region, as well as the Koordine area, Derarê village, Seraru village, Deşîşê village and Qela Kumriye were bombed by attack helicopters. Furthermore, lands belonging to the villages of Kêste and Hirore were bombarded with howitzers and mortars from border outposts. The wildfires caused by these bombardments of the invading Turkish army continue to rage.

On June 2, at 15:30 and 21:10 hours, the Zendura Hill in Metina region was bombed by fighter jets.

On June 2, at 19:00, the Çemço area of ​​the Zap region was bombed with howitzers and mortars fired from the border outposts.

On June 2, at 19:30, the Shamkê area in the Zap region was bombed by fighter jets.

On June 3, at 08:50, the Small Cilo area of ​​the Zap region was bombed by fighter jets.

On June 3, at 09:30, the Tabura Ereban area in Avaşîn region was bombed by fighter jets.

We did not have any losses as a result of these bombardments.”