People in Aleppo march against Turkish attacks against South Kurdistan

A march in support of the resistance of the HPG guerrillas and to protest the Turkish attacks of South Kurdistan was organised in the neighbourhood of Şêxmeqsut in Aleppo.

The march started in front of the meeting hall in Şêxmeqsûd and ended at the Martyrs Junction.

Speaking at the rally, Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) co-chair Xerib Hiso pointed out that the guerrillas are resisting for all peoples. Hiso added that there are dirty conspiracies being carried out against the guerrilla and said: “The guerrilla is resisting in a legendary way to protect the values and the land. We stand on the side of this struggle. The victory in Zap, Avashin and Metina is a victory for all the peoples of the Middle East. This victory has brought great gains to all peoples.”

Roşîn Mistefa, co-chair of the Aleppo Martyrs’ Families Council, pointed out that the guerrilla resisted in a legendary way and said: “Victory will definitely belong to the guerrilla.”