Turkish army injures a villager in Kani Masi

The Turkish occupation forces have been attacking Avashin, Zap and Metina regions in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) since April 23.

The Turkish army systematically targets civilian settlements. At noon on June 1, the village of Hirore in Kani Masi sub-district was targeted by the Turkish army with howitzer attacks. A villager named Remezan Eli, who went to his garden 100 meters away from the village, was injured as a result of a howitzer attack and was taken to a hospital in Zakho by the villagers.

It is reported that the injured villager lost a lot of blood but was in good condition. The village of Hirore has been bombarded by the Turkish state for 38 days. As the vineyards and gardens belonging to the villagers are severely damaged by these attacks, the life of the villagers is in jeopardy.
