Kurdistan Green Party Holds 2nd Congress

The Kurdistan Green Party held its 2nd Congress in Amude. The Congress was joined by members of Democratic Syria Council (MSD), Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM), Kongra Star, Intellectuals’ Union of Jazira Region, Syrian Women’s Council, Martyrs Families’ Assembly, Democratic Union Party (PYD).

150 delegates from all over Northern and Eastern Syria attended the congress. Luqman Ehme, chair of the Kurdistan Green Party underlined the need for cooperation and unity of Northern and Eastern Syrian people and national political parties to strengthen the Autonomous Administration.

Asserting that Turkey increased the attacks on the region in order to disrupt this unity, Ehme said: “The Turkish state is trying to change the demographic structure of the region and has oppressed people since it occupied Afrin, Serekaniye and Gire Spi. On the other hand, it seeks to enlarge the occupation boundaries with the latest attacks on South Kurdistan. These attacks are aimed at eliminating the achievements of the Kurdish people.”
Mihemed Çolî, member of Amude Martyrs’ Families Assembly conveyed his message to the 2nd congress.

PYD co-chair Enver Muslim said that they hope the Kurdistan Green Party members work in coordination with the other political parties in the Autonomous Administration and stand against Turkey’s attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria. Muslim said that the Turkish state failed to achieve its goals in the region and added: “Turkey carries out a special war implementing dirty policies such as cutting the water supplies and prosecuting people who supported Kobani.”

Muslim also mentioned the current policies of the Damascus governments and said: “They have adopted policies based on death and devastation. Unfortunately, Damascus still avoids focusing on political solutions to the Syrian crisis.”

After the speeches, a documentary about the 4-year political history of Kurdistan Green Party was screened.

Established in 12 January 2013, Kurdistan Green Party had held its first congress in 27 May 2015.