Sabotage action by HDBH militia targets oil factory in Tarsus

Peoples’ United Revolutionary Movement (HDBH) released a statement announcing the details of a latest action carried out by their militia in southern Turkey.

The statement released on Friday includes the following:

“On 27 May 2021, within the scope of Martyr Sinan Dersim Revenge Offensive, our militias carried out a sabotage action against Medeni Oil Factory in Organized Industrial Area in Tarsus district of Mersin province.

In consequence of our action, the mentioned factory was rendered entirely unusable while the surrounding factories also suffered large-scale material damages.

The fascist Turkish state and its bourgeoisie pauperizing our people for bread exploit working people’s achievements based on hard working for the sake of upper-classes’ comfortable lives and benefit from this exploitation to afford vicious wars.

The Turkish state uses the sources exploited from our working and poor peoples as means of massacres against our guerrilla forces. The social rejection gradually growing in Turkey and Kurdistan is reaching a line parallel to the guerrilla resistance.

We must never forget that liberation of workers and labourers depends on the victory of the guerrilla forces. In this sense, we, as HBDH militias, salute the guerrilla resistance and call on all the oppressed to stand with the struggle of the guerrilla and collapse the fascist Turkish colonialism.

Our action is as a revenge vow to great commander comrade Kasım Engin who became immortal on 27 May 2020 and all of May martyrs in the person of Comrade Sinan Dersim, member of HDBH Executive Committee.”