NGOs organize ‘ISIS Victims Forum’ in North-East Syria

The Protection of Law Initiative organized an ISIS Victims Forum in Qamishlo under the sponsorship of Medico International, a human rights organization from Frankfurt, Germany, and the organization Fight for Humanity.

Representatives of Fight for Humanity, families of the victims of ISIS, and members of North-East Syrian non-governmental organizations attended the meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is to represent the families of victims of ISIS and to bring ISIS members who committed crimes against civilians to account. Those who survived the atrocities are expected to play a significant role for justice.

Fight for Humanity manager Mihemed Alçi said, “There has been a continuous effort in the international arena to prosecute ISIS for the crimes it has committed. It is not possible to talk about a permanent, peaceful and political solution in Syria without securing justice for the victims of ISIS.”

Alçi noted that human rights organizations are trying to listen to the demands and suggestions of the victims of ISIS gangs and to provide justice for them under the sponsorship of Medico International Organization.

The participants emphasized the importance of psychological and social support to families harmed by ISIS.