Political parties in Rojava call for action against Turkey’s attacks on Bashur

Political parties in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria gathered at the Diplomatic Research Centre in Qamishlo in order to discuss the political situation in the region.

Autonomous Administration Executive Committee Deputy Co-Chair Bedran Çiya Kurd and Cizre Region Executive Committee Co-Chairs Telet Yûnis and Nezîra Gewriyê attended the meeting.

A joint statement was issued following the meeting held closed to the press. The statement strongly condemned the attacks of the Turkish state against the Medya Defence Zones and the Kurdistan Freedom Movement.

The joint statement read out by Ednan Ezo, a member of the Democratic Conservative Party, included the following:

“The Turkish state took over the 400-year-old massacre legacy of the Ottoman state which had slaughtered the Armenian, Syriac, Arab and Kurdish peoples. The Turkish state is now trying to massacre the Kurdish people who seek their fundamental rights. The Turkish has delivered a message by launching its attacks on Medya Defense Zones on the anniversary of the Armenian genocide.

The attacks launched by the Turkish state against the Medya Defense Zones and the Syriac, Assyrian and Kurdish villages in South Kurdistan (Bashur) are inhumane and against international laws. It is an attempt to kill a people who demand peace. The Turkish state does not target a single party. It wants to commit genocide against all Kurds in Bashur and North-East Syria. The attacks of the Turkish state will continue as long as the international community does not react to it strongly.

We, as political parties, condemn the Turkish state’s attacks on Bashur, as well as the international community that has remained silent in the face of these attacks. The Turkish state is using chemical weapons in these attacks.

The Kurdish problem should be resolved in peaceful manners. The war must end. The Iraqi Government and the Kurdistan regional government should respond to the attacks of the Turkish state. Arab Republics should also undertake responsibility to stop these invasion attacks.

We urge the UN and the Security Council to stop the attacks of the Turkish state. We will continue to support the Kurdish Freedom Movement.”

The parties that participated in the meeting are as follows:

Democratic Change Movement (El-Tensiq Delegation),

Democratic Union Party,

Kurdistan Democratic Peace Party,

Kurdistan Liberal Party,

Kurdistan Communist Party,

Syrian-Kurdistan Democratic Party,

Syrian Kurds Democracy Party,

Syrian-Kurdish Left Party,

Syrian-Kurdish Democratic Left Party,

Kurdistan National Unity Party,

Kurdistan Democratic Change Party,

Kurdistan Modern Party,

Kurdistan Workers Union,

Syria-Reform Movement,

Arab National Council,

Syrian Modern and Democratic Party,

Kurdistan Green Party,

Democratic Reconciliation Party,

Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party (El-Parti),

Assyrian Democratic Party,

Kurdistan Brotherhood Party,

Syrian-Kurdish Democratic Future Party,

Rojava- Free National Unity,

Democratic Society Movement,

Kongreya Star,

Democratic Conservative Party,

Democratic Struggle Party,

Syrian Union Party,

Kurdistan Future Movement

Kurdistan Republic Party.