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Young Struggle: We will never bow to attacks!
The revolutionary youth organization Young Struggle (YS) condemned the attack suffered by their comrades in Paris. On Sunday evening, the French fascist neo-Nazi group KOB VEILLE attacked the Turkish Migrant Workers Cultural Association (ACTIT) during an anti-fascist film screening. According to the statement, 30 fascists carried out the attack, during which one of their comrades was injured with knives and clubs and is currently receiving treatment at the hospital.
Young Struggle pointed out that while fascist groups were gathering to attack its members, it was the local community, not the French police, that intervened. They said: “We know very well that this attack was directed at the all-anti-fascist struggle and that the French state, either directly or indirectly, is enabling these assaults.”
Young Struggle added: “We have never bowed to such attacks, and we never will! The youth stand strong! We will not leave this attack unanswered. We will continue to strengthen the anti-fascist struggle at all times. We call on all young people to organize within the anti-fascist ranks, join Young Struggle, and unite in the fight against fascists wherever they may be, taking to the streets!”
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