Hun: Abdullah Öcalan’s ideas have become a source of hope worldwide

The international conspiracy, orchestrated by the United States, the United Kingdom, and several other states, has now entered its 27th year.  Abdullah Öcalan was handed over to Turkey on 15 February 1999, as part of this conspiracy. Since then, he has been subjected to severe isolation in Imrali. Despite this, Öcalan continues to make great efforts for the democratic resolution of the Kurdish issue and the democratization of Turkey.

Yılmaz Hun, a Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) representing Iğdır (Îdir), emphasized that the international conspiracy was not only aimed at Öcalan but also at all Middle Eastern and Kurdish peoples. Hun said: “In reality, this conspiracy was orchestrated against the ‘Democratic Modernity’ model developed by Mr. Öcalan, which stood in opposition to the construction of capitalist modernity. His ideas challenged the practices, control mechanisms, and state-building policies imposed by NATO countries and the dominant hegemonic forces in the Middle East. Mr. Öcalan was physically imprisoned, but the real objective was to suppress the will of the Kurdish people and the hopes of resisting populations across the Middle East and the world. However, over the past 26 years, Mr. Öcalan has demonstrated remarkable resistance both intellectually and ideologically. He has formulated new ideas, methods, and philosophies to counter capitalist modernity, offering alternative solutions to humanity’s most pressing problems.”

Öcalan’s ideas have spread across the world

Hun highlighted that the international conspiracy has failed to achieve its goal and added: “For the past four years, Mr. Öcalan has been held under absolute aggravated isolation in Imrali. This is an attempt to prevent Öcalan’s ideas from taking root in society.  However, they have failed. Today, his philosophy is being discussed not only in the Middle East and Kurdistan but across the world, in various countries, universities, and academic institutions. 

This demonstrates that Mr. Öcalan’s ideology has already spread globally. His perspective offers solutions to humanity’s crises and serves as a source of hope. For 26 years, the objective was to completely imprison his ideas, suppress the Kurdish people’s demands for freedom, and prevent these ideas from reaching the world. Yet, this has not been achieved, Mr. Öcalan’s ideas have now gained worldwide recognition. Turkey’s ongoing crisis has led the authorities to once again consider Mr. Öcalan’s role, as the country’s deepening chaos continues. It proves that he remains the key to resolving the situation. The international conspiracy has ultimately failed.”

Öcalan is the key to a solution 

Hun spoke about the meetings between Öcalan and the DEM Party delegation, and said: “There is an ongoing dialogue process, and when we examine how this process began, it becomes clear that it is the result of the Kurdish people’s unwavering resistance in all four parts of Kurdistan, in Turkey, and across the world. This resistance has exposed the state’s failure. Every crisis in the country stems from the unresolved Kurdish issue, and everyone is well aware that the key to its resolution lies with Mr. Öcalan. The state knows this too.

The past eight years have shown that the severe isolation imposed on Öcalan has been ineffective. Turkey is trapped in a cycle of crisis and chaos, with the Kurdish issue and the extreme isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan at its core. The solution will inevitably come from Imrali. Mr. Abdullah Öcalan understands the crises in Turkey, the Middle East, and the world. He is also the one proposing solutions to these challenges. For this reason, returning to Mr. Öcalan and seeking his perspective is the right step to take.”


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