Autonomous Administration’s statement on national dialogue conference

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria (DAANES) released a written statement regarding the preparations of the organizing committee for the Syrian National Dialogue Conference.

The statement said that “the overthrow of the Baath regime has created new hopes for a genuine transformation in Damascus’ approach and policies. It is essential that the demands of the Syrian people are addressed based on principles and criteria that truly reflect Syria’s reality. Additionally, their aspirations for building a democratic future must be recognized and fulfilled. Since the very beginning of the political movement, this has been the primary goal of the Syrian people.”

The Autonomous Administration continued: “The marginalization and rigid, ‘closed’ stance of the Preparatory Committee for the Syrian National Dialogue Conference pose a serious threat of reverting to the old centralized system. This is neither what we expect nor what we support in North and East Syria. 

What is needed today is accurate and inclusive representation for all Syrians, without exclusion and without ignoring the will and decision-making power of the nearly 5 million Syrians living in our regions. The committee must reflect the true state of participation within Syria, especially considering the needs of the transitional phase.”  

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria stressed that “the committee formed to prepare the National Dialogue Conference does not represent all components of the Syrian people because it fails to address their demands. 

Furthermore, we call on everyone who desires a unified and strong Syria to approach the Syrian reality with honesty, without denial or disregard, and without attempting to shape the political landscape according to their own interests. 

Syria’s strength comes from the unity of its people, their solidarity, and their shared destiny. It is rooted in the deep historical presence of the Syrian people and the sacrifices of its children. This strength is the true guarantee of a democratic future.”


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