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Nedim Seven calls for participation in rally in Strasbourg on 15 February
In the second part of this interview, Nedin Seven, PKK Central Committee Member, touched on the recent war tactics developed by the PKK and called to strongly support the rally to be held in Strasbourg on Saturday, 15 February.
The first part of the interview can be read here.
Nedim Seven said: “The PKK, under the leadership of the HPG Command, has implemented new war tactics. A few days ago, the HPG Command announced to have developed new strategies, to have the power to carry out a defensive war anywhere in the Middle East, in every region of Kurdistan, and in Turkey when necessary. However, the HPG said, ‘we are not in love with war; we are defending ourselves. If you are talking about the ways and methods of negotiation, you will stop these games.’ The AKP government has been playing the same games for 23 years, but they no longer have the chance to continue these games. The process has changed conjuncturally. Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] has made very important observations about the Middle East. My suggestion is this: Every revolutionary from Kurdistan and every patriot should read Leader Apo’s book, The Manifesto of Democratic Civilization.”
Thirty years have passed since the Third World War
Seven continued: “Some say this war started with Gaza, but this is an incorrect assessment. The truth is that this war began with the Gulf War. The First and Second Gulf Wars. The handing over of Leader Apo, his captivity, and the isolation system on Imrali Island are all part of this war. Because there is a different perspective and an alternative paradigm here. There is an alternative that aims to build new systems in place of the current nation-state system. We are witnessing the collapse of old nation-states. They called this process the Arab Spring, but it actually symbolized the collapse of nation-states in the region. The solution to the historical problems in the Middle East is only possible through the unique dynamics of this region. Because the problems in the Middle East have emerged around the Fertile Crescent, the Zagros, and the Taurus Mountains. The solution lies here. Therefore, the steps taken for the physical freedom of Leader Apo are of critical importance not only for the Kurdish people but also for the freedom of all peoples in the Middle East. The physical freedom of the leadership will lead to the resolution of the problems of the Middle East and all the peoples of the world.”
The war has now spread throughout the Middle East
Seven added: “The Sykes-Picot Agreement has lost its validity. The agreement was made in 1916 under the leadership of Britain, France, and Russia. The borders drawn with a ruler have lost their meaning. The Treaty of Lausanne, on the other hand, laid the foundation for the denial of the Kurdish people for 100 years. However, every step taken and every effort made in the Middle East is no longer like it was 100 years ago. This carries great significance, especially for the Kurdish people. The Kurdish people have reached a level where they can lead the peoples of the Middle East in the political, legal, and organizational fields. This leadership is embodied in Leader Apo. Around the leadership, an ecological, democratic, and women’s liberationist paradigm has developed under the leadership of women and youth, and this paradigm has been put into practice by the Kurdistan guerrillas. Politics cannot be conducted without power. The world says this: politics is done with a paradigm, with power, and with morality. The guerrillas have power. Similarly, there is the power of the press to educate the people of Kurdistan and the Middle East in every field. There is media power. The women’s and youth movements are the most radical pioneers of society. The free women’s movement is the most radical democratic and liberationist movement. This has been manifested in the YJA Star, embodied by comrades Zilan and Bêrîtan.”
The Freedom Movement has different alternatives
Seven emphasized that the Turkish state has not achieved the desired results in the war and has therefore started negotiations again with Kurdish People’s Leader Öcalan: “As far as we have followed in the press, the Leader will make a statement on the 27th anniversary of the International Conspiracy. We are also waiting for this statement. Some problems cannot be solved only with statements, but we are the successors of Leader Apo. If the conditions for health, safety, and physical freedom are not met, the Freedom Movement also has different alternatives. The political balance in the Middle East is no longer the same as before. Look at how far Israel has come. Consider Iran’s situation. The policies pursued by hegemonic powers in the Middle East for gas, oil, and energy lines are clearly visible.”
Seven added: “Therefore, the Freedom Movement will not remain without alternatives after such a great cost, struggle, and revolutionary process. As our Command has stated, we also have options. When we evaluate these options, we believe that the most correct choice is a democratic solution. No one can use Leader Apo’s problem-solving power for their own political interests. Above all, the living conditions of the Leadership must change, and his physical freedom must be ensured. I believe that all our administration, PKK and PAJK cadres will act correctly in this process. They will live and struggle based on the reality of Leader Apo. We came into existence with Leader Apo; we are a people who have been revived by knowing him. And we will march to freedom with him.”
The struggle must be carried out stronger than ever
Nedim Seven emphasized that Leader Apo referred to February 15 as the day of genocide for the Kurdish people: “Because it was the beginning of a process in which the leaders of the Sheikh Said rebellion were massacred. This date is the beginning of genocide. It is a dark day. Our hope is to turn this dark day into a bright, democratic, and socialist day with the call of the Leadership. Our freedom struggle will reach its conclusion with the physical freedom of Leader Apo. At that time, together with the peoples of Kurdistan, the peoples of Turkey, and all the peoples of the Middle East, we will reach a stage where all the problems in the Middle East can be solved through humane and peaceful means. A process is currently underway. We are also following it through the press. We are not just a party but also an organization. We influence the politics of Kurdistan, the Middle East, and the world. Therefore, all the calls and statements of Leader Apo are decisive for us. However, the coming and going of delegations, the negotiations, and the statements made by the Turkish state and the AKP should not limit the issue. If the problem is to be solved, the solution must be presented on the 27th anniversary of the conspiracy as a democratic solution and a peace map. We must also strengthen the struggle in every field. The legal, political, social, and women’s and youth-led struggle must be further expanded. In other words, there is no stopping. There can be no pause in the struggle for freedom, democracy, and socialism.”
Seven concluded his speech by calling on the Kurdish people and their friends to strongly support the large rally to be held in Strasbourg on Saturday, 15 February: “I believe that the women and youth of Kurdistan will be at the forefront of this struggle. Our hope is to secure the physical freedom of Leader Apo by Newroz. This is the demand and desire of all revolutionaries.”
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