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Remzi Kartal: Turkey’s approach towards Rojava is a litmus test
KONGRA GEL co-chair Remzi Kartal spoke to ANF about developments in Turkey, including the meetings involving Abdullah Öcalan, and said that “the approach of the Turkish state towards Rojava is a true test.”
How do you evaluate the meetings held by the DEM Party delegation, including the visit to Abdullah Öcalan and the discussions with political parties, as well as the messages shared during these meetings?
The fact that Leader Öcalan is at the center of this process is crucial, as it highlights the seriousness of the matter. Although the AKP-MHP government does not express it openly, the resolution of the Kurdish question is increasingly being discussed by various circles. There are talks about a new process being initiated, and the fact that Leader Öcalan is at its center is significant and decisive. It is very important that political parties, starting with the Speaker of the Parliament, the government and opposition parties, are informed about Leader Öcalan’s messages. It is also essential that these parties involve themselves in the process and take responsibility based on Leader Öcalan’s perspective.
The Kurdish people and their allies approach this process cautiously, with a sense of distrust. What can you comment on that?
A key issue here is that the Kurdish people’s distrust stems from the state’s historical policies of denying their existence and imposing policies of annihilation against their demands for rights. This distrust arises from state policies. To ensure that this process does not repeat the mistakes of the past, it is particularly important to instill confidence in people. Confidence must be built not only with the Kurdish people but also with the broader Turkish public and the international community. A trustworthy approach and tone must be adopted. A solution-oriented tone will be effective in advancing the process.
What do you mean by a confidence-building approach, and what steps need to be taken?
It is significant and meaningful for a party leader representing the state’s centralized political system to assume a role in this process. However, so far, President Erdoğan’s stance on this matter has not been clear. There is no explicit or definitive tone of responsibility or influence in the process. In the messages conveyed, there is talk of offering Leader Öcalan the right to hope, the need to disband his organization, and allowing him to speak in parliament. However, this approach is extremely superficial and disconnected from the reality, seriousness, and gravity of the Kurdish question. The Kurdish question is fundamentally a matter of Kurdish freedom; it is an issue of rights, justice, and fairness. The resolution of this issue lies in guaranteeing the Kurdish people’s demands for rights and justice through legal and constitutional frameworks. An approach and perspective aligned with this will contribute to solving the problem.
What would you say about the negative tone of media close to the government regarding this process?
The tone of the media affiliated with the ruling bloc is extremely negative. They almost seem to be poisoning the process. They use language that is derogatory, insulting, and aimed at demonizing one of the sides involved. This is directly tied to the approach shown by the AKP government. The tone of its media stems from the attitude of the ruling bloc. This behavior does not inspire confidence and creates a negative perception of the process. If a tone and approach that instills confidence and aligns with the solution to the Kurdish question is developed, the process could be much more effective. Solving the Kurdish question during a time when a Third World War is unfolding could lead to significant progress for the peoples of Turkey and their future. Instilling this perspective and fostering confidence and hope among the Turkish public could have a strong impact on the process.
Currently, there is no concrete progress, but based on the messages conveyed, what steps should the state take?
Above all, the state’s approach to Önder Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] is directly linked to the seriousness of addressing the Kurdish question. If isolation continues on Imrali Island, where Önder Apo is imprisoned, while his ability to communicate with the public, society, and the movement is restricted, it would be a concerning sign. Isolation must be swiftly lifted, and conditions allowing effective communication and meetings must be created. This is critically important.
In this process, the decisive figure is President Erdoğan. He holds a key position in the legal and constitutional processes. At parliamentary level, effective work needs to be initiated within a legal and constitutional framework. This includes forming a commission and preparing a roadmap to engage various circles in the process. The more participatory the process, the greater the trust it will build. Involving academics, intellectuals, and media organizations in the process will make it much more fruitful.
The Kurdish question is not just a Kurdish problem; it is a Turkish issue. It has tied Turkey’s hands in many areas. The policies of denial and annihilation towards the Kurdish people have harmed not only the Kurds but also the peoples of Turkey.
The opposition is showing a positive attitude toward the process. What should ts role be?
As mentioned, intellectuals and civil society must be part of the process, but the first step must be taken in Parliament. Political parties need to bring this issue to the parliamentary agenda and initiate the necessary work for legal and constitutional solutions. During a previous process, Parliament took steps, but they did not progress. At that time, delegations visiting İmralı were later prosecuted. To prevent similar incidents and build confidence, Parliament must take the lead, and political parties must fulfill their roles.
Önder Apo has also sent a message in this direction. I call on the main opposition party and all parties: solving the Kurdish question means introducing the democratic Turkey project. Solving the Kurdish question will open the path for equality, freedom, and democracy for all segments of society in Turkey that are currently restrained in every aspect of life. This includes tackling obstacles to rights, justice, and equality.
So, key questions need to be addressed: what kind of democratic Turkey do we envision? What kind of constitution? What kind of equality? What kind of rights and justice? What kind of democratic social understanding? Amidst the Third World War engulfing the Middle East, how can Önder Apo’s Democratic Nation Project address the issues arising from religious, nationalist, and singular state-based systems? The opposition must focus on these questions and take the lead.
The CHP, as the first party in the last elections and a significant opposition force, plays an important role. The DEM Party and all other opposition parties must also take on the mission of proving that this issue is not solely the government’s responsibility. They should work on creating public awareness through their projects and proposals. Eventually, we must aim to establish a process that builds the legal and constitutional framework for a democratic Turkey. Therefore, every opposition party has a role and a mission. This process should not be left solely under the control of the AKP-MHP bloc but should involve the will of the entire Turkish society and aim to solve all of Turkey’s issues with a focus on creating a democratic constitutional system.
While discussions about the process are ongoing, attacks and warfare continue. Can war and solution process coexist?
This reflects the classical state mindset: The more pressure we apply, the more we can reduce the PKK’s demands and force them into concessions. This mindset and approach are fundamentally flawed. Önder Apo’s views on solving the Kurdish question are not new. Since the 1980s, his ideas for resolution have remained consistent. What Önder Apo said in the past aligns with what he says today. Throughout the struggle, his statements, his messages to Turkey, and the messages he conveyed during ceasefires have always been consistent.
In the last five books he wrote in Imrali, he has effectively developed the same framework and offered solutions to not only the Kurdish issue but also other social issues through his Democratic Nation perspective.
The problem here is not Önder Apo or the PKK. The problem lies in the state’s singular mindset. Continuing the approach of applying pressure and conducting operations to coerce the Kurdish movement into ‘accepting less’ will yield no results. This policy has been tried for 40 years and has led to no outcomes. Ultimately, the ruling bloc has come to the point of initiating a process with Önder Apo to resolve the issue because the policies of the past 40 years have failed.
In particular, the attacks carried out over the last 10 years have also yielded no results. Moreover, the dangers brought about by the Third World War unfolding in the Middle East have now reached Turkey’s doorstep, prompting the hasty initiation of a process.
The state must abandon attacks that undermine trust and yield no benefit. Instead, it should approach the issue with a perspective that fosters trust, embraces pluralism as much as possible, and includes all of Turkey’s dynamics in a positive environment aimed at resolving the problem.
Why is Rojava at the center of these attacks?
We once again call on the AKP-MHP government: the attacks on Rojava are practically nullifying the process currently underway in Turkey. The approach towards this process should be grounded in peaceful solutions. The approach towards Rojava serves as a litmus test for the Turkish state. A Turkey that resolves the Kurdish question within its own borders and establishes peace with Kurds in Syria and the Middle East will thrive. Through Kurdish-Turkish peace, a peaceful and democratic civilization can be created. This can only be achieved through the resolution of the Kurdish question, which would also lead to significant advancements in both national and international relations.
Are you referring to a Kurdish-Turkish alliance?
If Turks and Kurds can resolve their problems on a democratic and peaceful basis within their own borders, they can achieve significant progress. Of course, there are regional and international forces that oppose this, but the biggest obstacle remains Turkey’s monolithic and fascistic approach. If they can overcome these barriers, they can achieve substantial results. Therefore, attacks on Rojava and the guerrillas must stop. Likewise, the pressures on political parties, the people, journalists, and municipalities in Turkey only serve to poison the process. A swift departure from such actions is necessary, and a comprehensive approach must be adopted to address the Kurdish question, one that aligns with democracy and peace both domestically and abroad.
The Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question campaign continues. How should this campaign continue?
This campaign is extremely important. If the state and those in power have now been forced to take such a step, it is the result of a great struggle. This outcome has been achieved through tremendous efforts, both domestically and internationally. First and foremost, the Kurdish question is an issue of mindset – a democratic mindset. All efforts carried out so far regarding the resolution of problems in the Middle East and internationally must be pursued even more effectively. At the center of these efforts is the Freedom for Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question campaign. This campaign is perfectly aligned with this critical process.
This is because the resolution of the Kurdish question is directly tied to Önder Apo’s freedom. If the state itself has initiated this process by engaging with Önder Apo, then it is essential to give even greater strength to this process. Everyone, with all the resources at their disposal, must contribute to strengthening this process. The success of this process depends on advancing the Freedom for Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question campaign. This campaign must be further developed in an effective manner. In this context, everyone should ask themselves, what can I do?
2025 is not only important for resolving the Kurdish question for the Kurdish people but also for all the peoples of the Middle East. 2025 provides a crucial platform for our struggle and will be a year of important progress.
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