IFJ Secretary General: We have a duty to give justice to the murdered journalists

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest journalists’ union, strongly condemned the killing of two Kurdish journalists, Nazım Daştan and Cihan Bilgin, as a result of an UCAV attack by the murderous genocidal Turkish state in northern Syria.

Speaking to journalist Erem Kansoy, IFJ Secretary General Anthony Bellanger expressed solidarity with all Kurdish journalists, stating the following:

“On behalf of the International Federation of Journalists, which represents more than six hundred thousand journalists worldwide, I’m really shocked this morning by the two murders that took place in northern Syria. My thoughts, of course, are with the families of these two colleagues, Nazim Daştan and Cihan Bilgin. And I would like to express my sincere condolences to all Kurdish journalists. I’m particularly shocked that they were deliberately targeted by a Turkish drone strike, while they were working as journalists and were identified as such.

We condemn this attack on our colleagues and demand accountability. These journalists, these colleagues, were two valuable journalists reporting on the violence in northern Syria. I demand that the new political authorities in Syria carry out an independent investigation into these murders and I urge the courts to find and convict the perpetrators of these crimes. We will not accept impunity once again. And their families and colleagues have a right to know the truth. And we have, as the IFJ and the global community, a duty to give them justice.”