YPJ commander Sarya Efrîn: We will defend Kobanê together with our people

YPJ commander Sarya Afrin told ANF that resistance against the Turkish state is growing every day. “We are fully prepared for any attack targeting Kobanê. Kobanê is the fortress of resistance, and the fortress of resistance will never fall.”

Commander Efrîn noted that the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria and Syria as a whole are going through difficult times. She said: “Our revolution has been ongoing since 2012. Since then, we have lived together as peoples, struggled, and endured hardships. The Turkish state, which is the enemy of the people, could never accept the brotherhood of peoples, the stability in the region, or the people’s ability to govern themselves and determine their own will. Afrin, Serêkaniyê, and Girê Spî are the results of this intolerance. Today, it is Shehba and Manbij. For some time now, there have been intense attacks on Manbij. We have not forgotten how the people of Manbij welcomed us during ISIS attack on the city in 2016. Women, especially, ran to embrace the fighters. That image is still in our memory. Hundreds of people from this region joined the YPJ, YPG, and SDF and have walked with us until today.”

A great resistance was displayed in Manbij

Commander Efrîn added: “We cannot blame the entire people of Manbij for the current situation. Many valuable, freedom-loving people live in Manbij. However, some individuals, who have been deceived by the Turkish state, and used as its tools, are unaware of what awaits them. They will see what they will face in the future. A great resistance was displayed in Manbij. To this day, our comrades are in tunnels and among the people. The greatest example of this is the Tishreen Dam and Qereqozax. Those who captured Idlib, Aleppo, and Damascus in a single day have not been able to cross Qereqozax or the Tishreen Dam for days, despite it being a small area. Neither the Syrian army, nor Russia, nor Iran could stand in the face of this power. However, we, who are aware of the enemy’s reality, have been resisting in Tishreen and Qereqozax for days with our faith in our own strength.”

Arab people must not forget the suffering caused by Turkey

Addressing the people of Manbij, Commander Sarya Efrîn said: “Manbij is a model city in Northern and Eastern Syria where peoples live together. The Arab people, in particular, should know the history of the Turkish state and be aware of its reality. Our Arab people have suffered as much as the Kurdish people at the hands of the Turkish state. Therefore, we must not forget our past, our experiences, and our history. The approach towards Arab women in Turkey, the violence against Arab youth, and the exploitation of Arab labor is there to see. The Turkish state has never once thought about a nation other than its own, let alone about the Arab nation. If we adapt this situation to today, the massacres, rapes, and looting that occurred when gangs entered Manbij are clear, and this is just the beginning. We must be vigilant against the policies of the Turkish state and its gangs, which disregard the rights of the people and focus on genocide. International forces, on the other hand, are growing at the expense of the blood of the Syrian people and do not hold the Turkish state accountable. They are in a position of watching this war. We are ready to give our lives to protect these people.”

Those who claim to be anti-regime serve the Turkish state

Commander Efrîn emphasized that those who call themselves “anti-regime” today have turned into mercenaries of the Turkish state, and added: “At the start of the Syrian crisis, there were those who claimed to be anti-regime and genuinely fought against it, giving their lives for the revolution. However, after a while, the opposition fell under the control of the Turkish state, and their opposition to the regime disappeared. They became tools of the Turkish state, acting for personal and Turkish state interests. We saw how those who called themselves opposition were sent to countries like Libya. Even today, they continue to serve the policies of the Turkish state. The Syrian opposition must return to the revolutionary spirit of 2011. In the early days, those who demonstrated for democracy, justice, equality, and rights are now serving the Turkish state. The overthrow of the Syrian regime by HTS and the subsequent revolutionary atmosphere pose a great danger to the peoples of Syria. Those who call themselves the opposition are fighting against us in line with the Turkish state’s goals. One day, they will realize the mistake they have made, but by then, it will be too late for them.”

YPJ is a leading force

Commander Efrîn highlighted the leading role of YPJ fighters in the resistance, and said: “As in every operation and attack, YPJ fighters are leading the resistance in Tishreen and Qereqozax. These areas have faced intense attacks, and great sacrifices have been made, but there has not been a moment of retreat. For days, with great determination and courage, YPJ fighters have been resisting on the frontlines. Our comrades, who joined the YPJ ranks at a young age out of patriotism and are still young, continue their struggle. They feel in their bones that this is a battle for existence. Our young comrades make great sacrifices to protect their people and their land. Despite intense reconnaissance strikes, inhumane methods used in tunnels, cold weather conditions, and limited resources, they show tremendous resolve. They fight in their positions, locked into victory. We have lost young comrades, but they did not accept surrender even until their last breath.”

Heavy deployments on the borders

Responding to Turkey’s threats against Kobanê, Commander Sarya Efrîn said: “If the Turkish state were so committed to its history, it would have defended the tomb of Süleyman Shah when ISIS gangs attacked Kobanê. It was the YPJ-YPG forces that liberated those areas. Now, they use this tomb as an excuse for threats of attack. They are not even aware that these threats will be their end. As the fighters of this people, we have promised to either protect our people or become martyrs on this path. We have not forgotten this promise, and everyone will see how the Turkish state will collapse. We earned every inch of this land with the blood of our comrades, and we will not give it up easily. Heavy deployments are being made to all border areas, especially Til Temir, Tirweziyê, and Ain Issa. With our own strength and the spiritual power we receive from our people, we are organized in every village, city, house, neighborhood, street, and corner, and we are ready to defend our people. As we said before, we will guarantee success through the Revolutionary People’s War. If they attack Kobanê, they will face this Revolutionary People’s War. The people and their fighters will defend Kobanê and its lands together in every position. We are fully prepared for any attack against Kobanê. Kobanê is the fortress of resistance, and the fortress of resistance will never fall.”

Attacks help ISIS to organize

Commander Efrîn underlined that ISIS is attempting to revive itself in Syrian territories and that international powers remain silent despite knowing about Turkey’s support for it. She said: “ISIS benefits from the Turkish state’s attacks. While we were the ones who destroyed ISIS, the dark force that became a global threat, the Turkish state, which created ISIS, attacks us and takes revenge for ISIS. The Islamic State members held in prisons and their sleeper cells are reorganizing through Turkish state attacks. These reorganizations target the region’s security and aim to create fear among the people. Due to Turkey’s attacks, it has become impossible to develop the fight against ISIS. As attacks continue, there will not be time to secure the prisons. With these attacks, the situation in prisons is unpredictable, and the relevant powers are turning a blind eye to this. Additionally, ISIS elements still exist within HTS and Turkish state mercenaries, and they are organizing sleeper cells. Therefore, the danger we face is greater than anticipated. The Coalition forces must fulfill their duties and responsibilities in the fight against ISIS. They must also stand against the gangs that are reviving ISIS and activating its sleeper cells.”

Join the struggle with a revolutionary spirit

The YPJ commander called on the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria, saying: “A heavy war is ongoing. Those fighting are the children of this people. As always, our people must stand by their children and never withhold their moral support. Those who can carry arms should carry arms, those who can heal the wounded should treat the injured, those who can provide information should share it. In other words, everyone must join this war with a revolutionary spirit, doing whatever they can. If today ISIS has been stopped, if a great war has been fought against the Turkish state, and if we have made the Kurdish people’s and other peoples’ struggle known around the world, it is thanks to our people’s support. Today is the day to protect our values, the day to be worthy of our martyrs. To teach the Turkish state a great lesson, young people must take up arms and join the ranks of the YPJ-YPG-SDF.”