Kongra Star: Join the struggle to defend Women’s Revolution in Rojava and build a democratic Syria

The Northern and Eastern Syrian women’s movement Kongra Star issued a written statement calling on everyone to defend the Rojava Revolution and help build a democratic Syria.

The statement underlined that “for women and the peoples of Syria, the overthrow of the Assad dictatorship is an important development. If we prevent the former dictatorship from simply being replaced by another despotic regime, then this new situation has opened the doors to a new process for the peoples of Syria and the entire region.”

The statement added that “the nation-state project imposed on the peoples and societies of the Middle East after World War II has not solved any of its social problems. On the contrary, it has safeguarded the political, military and economic interests of international monopoly capital, while denying and destroying the will of the peoples, women and different cultures and religious groups. The nation-state project, built on the rejection of pluralism and diversity, on the foundation of sexism, nationalism, racism and state religionism, has turned the Middle East into a bloodbath today. Genocides and feminicides are used as tools of dividing-ruling policies by international and regional hegemonic powers, including the USA, Russia, Britain, Israel and Turkey. World War III is being directed, planned and implemented foremost by these actors.”

Kongra Star pointed out that “together with the fall of the Assad regime, the Turkish state, and affiliated SNA and the ISIS gangs, have increased their terrorist attacks in the region. Especially the invasion attacks against the regions of the Democratic Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria which are developing as part of the Turkish state’s genocidal plan against the Kurdish people. While Erdoğan hypocritically emphasizes the importance of the “territorial integrity of Syria”, the Turkish army is invading further in the regions of Northern Syria, neglecting the existence and the will of the Kurdish people and all other peoples of the region. Since the 27th of November 2024, hundreds of thousands of people from the cantons Shahba, Manbij and Kobane have been forcibly displaced. Women, children and the elderly have died from hunger, disease and cold due to the inhumane attacks of the SNA gangs who have been trained and supported by the Turkish state. While the Turkish army has bombarded and killed civilians in Kobane and Ain Issa.

Its mercenary gangs have abducted, tortured and massacred Kurdish people in Shahba, as well as three members of the Zenubya women’s movement in Manbij. At the same time, HTS massacred Christians in Damascus and Alawits in Latakia. The whereabouts of hundreds of people is still unclear. Women are the main target in the invasion attacks of the misogynist SNA, FSA and ISIS gangs. Massacres, torture and rape are carried out against women as if taking revenge for the Rojava revolution, and the defeat of ISIS by the resistance of women YPJ fighters. At the same time, provocations and media warfare are implemented to destroy the unity of the peoples living in the region.”

The statement continued: “All these attacks target the accomplishments of the women’s revolution, and the Democratic Autonomous Administration which has been the guarantee of the democratic, equal and free life for all communities; for Kurdish, Arab, Armenian, Assyrian, Turkmen, Circassian, Chechen, Durzi, Alewit, Sunni, Christian and Ezidi women. Since 2012, the model of democratic autonomy jointly established and implemented by women, men and the youth of all communities, first in Rojava and then in other regions of North and East Syria, has proven that direct democracy and the active role of women in politics and all fields of life are essential for the peoples’ communal life and the resolution of social problems. For the first time in centuries, women in this region have been able to freely have an opinion, voice and action about their own lives. As women became free, society changed and as society changed, the hopes of peoples to live together freely and equally grew even more. Commemorating the thousands of women who dedicated their lives to liberate this land from the occupation and terror of ISIS, we will continue our struggle with all our strength, no matter what the cost, to make the accomplishments of the Rojava women’s revolution permanent.”

Kongra Star said: “We will not allow the racist and sexist policies of international hegemonic powers and monopoly capital to redesign our region, our homeland and our lands on the basis of their own interests. We are confronted with the question of existence and non-existence – especially Kurdish, Armenian, Assyrian, Turkmen, Circassian, Chechen, Arab, Durzi, Ezidi, Beluci and Persian women. To avoid that, the former dictatorship being replaced by another despotic regime, it is inevitable that all parts of society, all different ethnic, religious, political and cultural groups – and especially women – are involved in the construction of a new democratic system and constitution in Syria. The Syrian regime has fallen, but we also know that this collapse can be used by nefarious paramilitary & Islamist groups to endanger people’s lives, especially the lives of women & children. Women’s leadership is needed to protect us from conflict, occupation & invaders. In this respect, we believe that the experiences of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, as well as the experiences of the struggles for democracy, justice, cultural rights and women’s freedom could provide the basis for a new democratic Syria.”

Kongra Star said that “it is our historical responsibility to protect the Rojava women’s revolution and its accomplishments, which have been a source of hope and inspiration for women in the whole Middle East and other parts of the world. The women’s revolution in Rojava is not only the revolution of women in North and East Syria. It is a revolution realised through the direct or indirect contributions and struggles of millions of women all over the world. The current attacks are attacks against all of us. Considering the dimensions of the danger, it is also a historical responsibility for all women of the world, for international ecologist, feminist, socialist, democratic women’s movements to intensify and unite our struggles to defend the accomplishments of the Rojava women’s revolution.

Claiming the accomplishments of the Rojava women’s revolution, strenghtening our resistance and raising the struggle will guarantee our future in freedom and dignity.

As Kongra Star, we will continue our struggle and resistance at the highest level to defend our land and the revolution with the spirit and philosophy of Jin Jiyan Azadi.”