Vigil against Turkish attacks against Rojava continues at Nusaybin-Qamishlo border

The vigil held at the Nusaybin-Qamishlo border in response to the attacks by the Turkish state and the Syrian National Army gangs against Rojava, has entered its third day. Starting early in the morning, people, including Peace Mothers, relatives of prisoners, politicians, and many others gathered at the border. Slogans such as “Bijî berxwedana Rojava” (Long live the Rojava resistance), “Bedengî mirinê berxwedana jiyanê” (The resistance for life is the resistance against death), “Rojava halkı yalnız değildir” (The people of Rojava are not alone), and “Jin Jiyan Azadî” (Women, Life, Freedom) were chanted by the participants.

We will keep the vigil going

Peace Mother Gurbet Tekin demanded an end to the ongoing oppression of the Kurds. She highlighted the massacres taking place in Northern and Eastern Syria and said: “Women, children, and young people are being killed every day. We want this war to end. We want peace in Kurdistan and around the world. The root cause of all these problems is the continued isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. Artists, academics, and the leading figures in society must take action. Only with Öcalan’s freedom can this war end. We will continue our vigil until we achieve results.”