Provocateurs open random fire on people during flag hoisting ceremony in Raqqa

The Peoples’ Assembly of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria announced earlier today that the Syrian flag would also be hoisted in Northern and Eastern Syria. “The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria regions are a part of the Syrian geography and the Autonomous Administration regions are a homeland that includes the ancient peoples of Syria. On this basis, the Democratic Peoples’ Assembly will use the Syrian flag in all cantons where all assemblies, institutions and administrations affiliated to the Autonomous Administration are located,” the Assembly said.

Following the decision, the Syrian flag was hoisted in the city centre of Raqqa. People gathered in the city centre for the celebration under the protection of the Internal Security Forces. A group of provocateurs who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity randomly fired bullets at the participants and the Internal Security Forces, causing injuries.

According to Rojava-based Hawar News Agency (ANHA), 43 people were injured.

The General Command of the Internal Security Forces said in a statement, “We condemn the attempts of some factions to sow discord and call on the people to be careful and not to fall prey to voices calling for attacks on security and stability in the city of Raqqa. We emphasise that we will continue to fulfil our duties to protect the security of the people and the region.”