MSD calls for the construction of a pluralistic democratic state based on freedom, equality, peace

The Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) made a statement on the 9th anniversary of its foundation on Tuesday.

MSD said that the collapse of the despotic ruling regime in Syria was a historic event, marking not only the beginning of the end of the dark age, but also the beginning of a great national responsibility. “Therefore, it is necessary for political and social forces to strengthen their solidarity for the construction of a pluralistic democratic state based on freedom, equality and peace.”

Remarking that Syrians have paid a great price against oppression and despotism, the statement said: “The blood of martyrs, the resistance of prisoners, the pain of IDPs and the tears of mothers will not be in vain.”

Calling for an end to the violence in the country in order to open a new page for a general national dialogue, MSD stated that Syrian national forces should come together to lay the foundations of the future of Syria.

Calling for a stance against regional plans, especially the expansion projects of the Turkish state, MSD stated: “The Turkish state is targeting Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Turkish state should be urged to end its occupation of Syrian territory and withdraw from all of Syria.”

MSD called on free Syrians to recognise that this historic moment, which they built with their own sacrifices, is their right and to use this opportunity for a free, equal and peaceful Syria.