35 parties and organizations call for protection of achievements of Autonomous Administration

To our free Syrian people, Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Assyrians, Muslims, Christians and Yazidis.

Today, we turn a dark page in the modern history of Syria with the fall of the tyrannical Baath regime, which ruled the country with an iron fist and repression for decades.

Our people have suffered from marginalization, oppression and divisions planted by this regime to tear apart the national fabric and consolidate its rule. But the will of the people is stronger than any tyrannical regime, and here we are witnessing a historic turning point towards freedom and dignity.

At this critical stage, we call on all components of the North and East Syria region to protect the achievements of the Autonomous Administration and rally around the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) as a guarantor of security and stability in the liberated areas.

The SDF has proven to be a unifying national force working to protect the people in all their components, and believes in pluralism and democracy as the basis for building the future of Syria.

 We, the parties and forces that signed this statement,

While we congratulate our people on the fall of the regime of oppression and tyranny,

We affirm that the responsibility of the next stage falls on all of us to work for:

1-Ensuring security and stability: through cooperation with the national forces on the ground and preventing any attempts to sow chaos or turn back the clock.

2-Comprehensive national dialogue: between all components of the Syrian people without exclusion or marginalization, to lay the foundations of a new Syria.

3-Building a democratic, pluralistic and decentralized Syria, where each component has the right to manage its own affairs, human rights are respected, and justice and equality are preserved for all.

We also call on our people to be aware and responsible, as the next stage is full of challenges but also carries hope for building a democratic homeland where peace and justice prevail.

Let’s work for a free, democratic, pluralistic, decentralized Syria.

Glory to the martyrs of freedom

The parties and forces that signed the statement are as follows:

Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)

1- Democratic Union Party.

2- Democratic Green Party-.

3- Kurdistan Democratic Peace Party

4- Kurdistan Liberal Party

5- Kurdistan Communist Party.-

6- Kurdistan Democratic Party – Syria

7- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party.

8- Kurdish Left Party in Syria.-

9- Kurdish Democratic Left Party in Syria.

10- Future Syria Party-

11- Kurdistan Democratic Change Party

12- Kurdistan Renewal Movement.-

13- Kurdistan Workers Union.-

14- Arab National Authority.-

15- Modernity and Democracy Party for Syria.-

16- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Accord Party.

 17 – Reform Movement – Syria.-

18 – Assyrian Democratic Party.-

19 – Kurdistan Brotherhood Party.-

20 – Roj Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria.-

21 – Democratic Society Movement.-

22 – Star Conference.-

23 – Conservative Party.-

24 – Democratic Struggle Party.-

25 – Kurdistan Future Movement.-

26 – Kurdistan Democratic Party – Western Kurdistan.-

27 – National Coordination Body – Democratic Change Movement

28 – Syriac Union Party.-

29 – Kurdish National Gathering Party.-

30 ​​- Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria (Party).-

31 – Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti).-

32 – Revolutionary Left Current in Syria-

33 – Syria Party

34 – Syrian Homeland Party