TJK-E calls on all those in favour of humanity to defend Rojava

The Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (Tevgera Jinên Kurd ên Ewrupa-TJK-E) stated that a global occupation plan has been put into action by the gangs guided by the Turkish state against Syria and North and Eas Syria and called for defence against the threat of genocide that the peoples will face.

The written statement released by the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe is as follows:

The fascist Turkish state and reactionary fascist gangs aim to deepen the chaos and conflicts in Syria by attacking the Rojava autonomous region. For this purpose, the gangs that Turkey feeds, protects and guides aim to eliminate the gains that the peoples, and especially the Rojava Women’s Revolution, have achieved at great cost. Starting on 29 November, they first attacked Aleppo and then advanced towards Hama and other cities. Simultaneously, an invasion attack was launched against Shehba. On the other hand, there are attacks against all of North and East Syria. Unfortunately, the Syrian state failed to put up a will in the face of the attacks, did not adopt a stand for the defence of the people, and abandoned all the places where the gangs headed for. This situation has left all Syrian peoples face to face with the danger of massacre.

A global plan is being implemented against the Middle East and Syria. The Turkish state is taking advantage of this situation to realise its genocidal, colonialist, racist and expansionist aims. On this basis, it wants to eliminate the gains of the Kurdish people, peoples and women and to realise the Kurdish genocide. The Turkish state is behind the attacks launched by the gangs. It is clear that this will bring about further massacres and genocide to Syria and the Middle East.

As TJK-E, we call on all our people, especially women, our friends and all those in favour of humanity to defend Rojava.”