YJA Star: The 47th year of the PKK will be the year of freedom and victory

The Central Headquarters Command of YJA-Star (Free Women’s Troops) made a written statement on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the founding of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party).

The statement said that the PKK has been waging a relentless struggle against the occupiers for 46 years and added: “First of all, congratulations on the 46th anniversary of the founding of our party PKK, especially to Rêber Apo (Leader Abdullah Öcalan) who created this endless epic, to all the creators of this epic, to the martyrs of the revolution, to the dungeon resistors who walk in the footsteps of the Mazlums and Saras, and to our resisting people who have paid a heavy price.”

The statement continued: “For the past 46 years, the Leader, with his determination, faith, courage and sacrifice, has shown the way to the liberation of Kurds, the liberation of women and the creation of a free society. Our party PKK, under the leadership of Rêber Apo, has unwaveringly adhered to the duties and responsibilities of the revolution for humanity for 46 years. For 46 years, the PKK has been labouring and shedding blood for the honour and dignity of the country. For 46 years, tens of thousands of heroes have sacrificed their lives so that our flag would never fall to the ground, so that a true victory could be won, so that the genocide against the Kurds could end. From the first international martyr, Haki Karer, to the last international martyr, Ezîz Musil, revolutionaries of all nationalities, lovers of freedom and peace fought under the roof of the PKK and took part in the revolution for humanity. Thousands of Kurdish women, from Sara to Berwar and Bêritan Nurhak, from Leyla Sorxwîn to Medya Egîd, Axin Gabar and Hejar Zozan, wrote epics on the basis of Rêber Apo’s philosophy and women’s liberation ideology and took great steps in the women’s liberation struggle.

In every move, symbols and pioneer martyrs representing the resistance were born, and hundreds of them carried the fire of this struggle. Thousands of our martyrs, from Commander Egîd to Beritan, from goddess Zîlan to Reşit Serdar, from Adil Bilîki to Nuda, from Vian to Delal Amed and Egid Civyanan, tunnel resistors Cumalî Çorûm and Çavrêyan, Botan, Hêjar, Bager, from those who wrote an epic in the mountains of Northern Kurdistan in 2014 to the self-sacrificial fighters Zîlan Rojger Hêlîn and Asya Ali, are the true architects of the revolution for humanity, the free women’s revolution and the creation of a free society. From the very beginning, the PKK is a party of martyrs, an army of martyrs. Therefore, victory in the cause of the PKK is inevitable and impossible to defeat. The women’s liberation struggle started with the resistance of the martyr Sara (Sakine Cansız) from the time she attended the founding meetings of our party PKK and has extended to the heart of Asya Ali today.

The fact that the women’s revolution is the biggest leap of the 21st century has become concrete with the philosophy of Rêber Apo and the practice of the martyrs. The slogan ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’ (Woman, Life, Freedom) which shakes the world today, has emerged as a result of the efforts of the Leader and is a summary of this revolutionary line. The culture of resistance from Sara to Asya Ali has been a fireball that has shaken the order of oppression and turned into a beacon of hope in the midst of male-dominated fascism in the 46th year of the PKK. In this critical period, the PKK is fighting non-stop and fulfilling its responsibility towards the people of Kurdistan. Every day it expresses the reality of the struggle to our people in the clearest way and makes it a culture of life. This is why the PKK has become one, one body and one spirit with the Kurdish people since its foundation.

While many states, institutions, parties and organisations have disappeared throughout history, the PKK, which has survived thanks to its resistance, has grown stronger together with the Kurdish people. That is why the PKK only trusts its people and does not submit to any power. For this reason, for 46 years, the most common slogan both in the country and abroad has been ‘PKK is the people, the people are here’. The unity of Rêber Apo, our people and the PKK has become a common will all over the world, from the Newroz squares to the historic march in Cologne. For this reason, the anniversary of the founding of the PKK is a national holiday, a second Newroz. The centuries-long Newroz enthusiasm of our people has merged with the founding of the PKK, making it an uninterrupted and historical celebration.

As we enter the 47th year of the founding of the PKK, we send our loyalty, love and greetings to Rêber Apo with the enthusiasm of a second Newroz and the pride of the founding of the PKK. Our struggle against the enemy, which continues its inhuman attacks, will continue unceasingly. As YJA Star forces, we will fight with great will, faith and a high pace to lead the just cause of the PKK, which has come to this day with the blood of martyrs, to victory, and we will fulfil our responsibility. With this belief and determination, as the YJA Star army, we state that the 47th year of the PKK will be the year of freedom and victory.”