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The PKK is stronger than ever today, say guerrillas Berazi and Şerzan
On 27 November 1978, the establishment of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) was declared under the leadership of Abdullah Öcalan. This date marked the beginning of a life kneaded with struggle and shaped by the hope of victory. For this reason, this date is commemorated as the Day of Resurrection. In order to increase the spirit of this holiday, the freedom guerrillas in the mountains of Kurdistan have been fighting for decades in heavy conflict, putting their all on the line and sacrificing their lives for victory.
YJA Star guerrilla Sara Berazi and HPG guerrilla Welat Şerzan spoke to the ANF.
YJA Star guerrilla Sara Berazi said that the PKK reached its peak with the efforts of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the martyrs of the revolution, and said: “Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] started this struggle with his hevals Haki and Kemal. The struggle still continues with the same spirit, ideological determination and organized work. The basis of the resistance given against the Turkish occupiers today is also based on the founding spirit of the PKK. The resistance in the war tunnels is the product of the struggle that emerged with the establishment of the PKK. Therefore, it is not possible to describe PKK life in a few sentences. However, it is possible to enter into it and understand it deeply. The occupiers cannot break this resistance, today our struggle finds support worldwide. As YJA Star guerrillas, we follow the path of Rêber Apo’s ideas and struggle with his power of thought. This struggle, which continues under the leadership of women today, will never be defeated and will continue until the freedom of Kurdistan and the physical freedom of Rêber Apo are achieved. The coming year will be the herald of a great victory for the entire world.”
We will defeat the enemy
HPG guerrilla Welat Şerzan said that the Turkish state made a statement saying that it would finish off the PKK within a few days or hours immediately after the armed struggle began. The guerrilla said that “the PKK has left 46 years behind today and is still standing strong.”
Guerrilla Şerzan underlined that “the guerrillas can take action even in the areas that the Turkish state trusts the most with the self-sacrificing action, as martyrs Asya Ali and Rojger Hêlin did in Ankara, and that they can deal a heavy blow to the enemy. He added: “The Turkish state is experiencing its collapse. The resistance displayed in the Kurdistan mountains and the self-sacrificing action of martyrs Serxwebûn and Rizgar have clearly demonstrated the guerrillas’ will and war potential. This heroism will continue. The Turkish state has been locked in the Medya Defense Areas for years and is constantly receiving blows. For this reason, the guerrillas and people’s resistance has reached a level that will force the enemy to open the gates of Imrali and adopt new policies. As the cadres of this organization, we aim not only to increase the resistance in the new year, but also to eliminate the enemy from our lands.”