YJŞ Commander: More than ever, we have the power to protect our society and our people

Axîn İntikam, one of the commanders of the Shengal Women’s Units (YJŞ), spoke to Rojnews about the latest developments in the region, the impact of these developments on the Yazidi community in Shengal and the importance of strengthening the defence forces.

‘Turkey has occupied 45 percent of Southern Kurdistan and deployed thousands of ISIS gangs’

Axîn İntikam stated: “In this month, the centre of Shengal was cleared of ISIS and liberated. On this basis, I respectfully and gratefully commemorate all our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of Shengal and led the liberation of Shengal. On the anniversary of the liberation of Shengal, plans and attacks against the gains of our people continue. Those who created ISIS wanted to completely destroy Kurdistan along with Shengal, but they failed. When they could not get what they wanted through ISIS, they now got on the stage themselves. One of these states is the fascist Turkish state. Today, the Turkish state has occupied 45 percent of Southern Kurdistan and deployed thousands of ISIS gangs in these regions. A farmer in Southern Kurdistan cannot go out to his garden for fear of Turkish gangs. This is done thanks to the co-operation of the KDP. Unfortunately, other forces do not adopt an attitude against this betrayal. The KDP has now passed the stage of betrayal and stands in the middle of attacks against the Kurdish people.”

‘Yazidi people and Southern Kurdistan must stand up against attacks’

Axîn Intikam drew attention to the silence against the plans of the Turkish state and continued: “In addition to the political parties in the government, Iraqi politicians and personalities are also silent against these attacks by the Turkish state. This silence means supporting the attacks. Iraq’s attitude towards the attacks is unacceptable. Iraqi territory is under daily attack, the Iraqi people and especially the Yazidi community face serious threats. No power other than the power of the people can prevent these attacks. Our Yazidi people and Southern Kurdistan must stand up against these attacks. For a free life, there is no choice but to oppose attacks. The danger is increasing, our people need to understand this danger well. There is a plan to evacuate and plunder our land.”

‘The fighters are defending the honour of their people and their land’

The YJŞ commander also drew attention to the attacks on Shengal and Yazidi fighters and warned: “The children, fighters and women of our people are targeted every day. We must not turn a blind eye to these attacks. The fighters are defending the honour of their people and their land. Our people should not treat this as a political issue. They should not give heed to the enemy’s propaganda against our defence forces. They should know that without our defence forces, we cannot exist. People need to know how important it is to strengthen our defence forces at this time. More than ever, we have the power to protect our society and our people.”

‘We have a great will and power thanks to our military forces’

YJŞ commander Axîn İntikam concluded: “Our system was built with the thought of Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan). YBŞ and YJŞ fighters have never bowed down to the enemy. The Iraqi government and the traitors should know that they will eventually pay for this genocide and their plans to support the enemy. We tell the Iraqi government that if they do not stop cooperating with the enemy, they will pay a heavy price. Our people also need to believe in their own strength. We have a great will and power thanks to our military forces. No force organised around the ideas of Leader Apo will be defeated by the enemy.”