TJA calls for solidarity with Warisha Moradi

The Free Women’s Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA) made a statement about KJAR member Warisha Moradi, who was sentenced to death by the Iranian state.

The statement said: “The history of the struggle of both peoples and women, especially the Kurds, has witnessed many times that women are most affected by the war policies imposed by nation states in the Middle East and the Kurdistan region. Despite this, women’s struggle for freedom against male-dominated governments has continued unabated and women have achieved some gains. Today, especially in the Middle East, where reactionary and patriarchal policies have found a ground for construction by institutionalizing themselves again and more, the women’s freedom struggle in Kurdistan is being waged much more determinedly. However, the reactionary regime in Iran, just like other nation states, continues its existence and hegemony by pitting people against each other and continuing its policies of oppression against women, and it further deepens this with inhumane practices such as executions.”

‘Jin Jiyan Azadî is liberation’

The statement continued: “With the murder of Jina Amini by the reactionary regime of Iran in 2022, the legacy of Kurdish women’s struggle, the Jin Jiyan Azadî slogan, inspired not only the oppressed peoples in Rojhilat in Iran but also in many parts of the world, and took on a universal identity. It revealed once again the truth that a social revolution and liberation is only possible with the liberation of women. This truth became the prescription for liberation of all identities, especially Kurdish women, in all parts of Kurdistan”

The statement underlined that “a death sentence was given to Warisha Moradi, who was carrying out the women’s struggle as a member of KJAR in the city of Sine in Rojhilat. She has been in prison since 1 August 2023. Warisha’s struggle for freedom was not only for herself, but for all women who were raped, tortured, and whose labor and bodies were exploited. In her last letter, she wrote, ‘I will continue my struggle until the end of all forms of oppression against women from Kurdistan to Baluchistan, from Iran to Afghanistan, until the ideals of ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’ are achieved’. Today, the reactionary regime in Iran has put into practice all kinds of inhumane methods to punish and intimidate Kurdish women, the pioneers of the freedom revolution, with detentions, arrests and death sentences. According to Amnesty International, 853 people were executed in Iran in 2023 alone. And 22 of them were women.”

‘Let’s be the voice of revolutionary women’

The statement added: “The spirit of resistance, determination and courage that Kurdish women have revealed with their freedom uprising has become the regime’s greatest fear in Rojhilat, as it is all over Kurdistan. And we know that the resistance of Kurdish women and the freedom revolution will bring an end to the reactionary, male-dominated regimes, especially Iran, which are the greatest perpetrators of femicide. As women, we call on all international civil society organizations, women’s organizations and activists who are fighting for freedom and equality, to protest the death sentences implemented by the reactionary regime of Iran as a femicide and a massacre of society, and to be the voice of revolutionary women who are fighting for freedom.”