Signature campaign for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan in Latin America

Following the call of several institutions, organisations and movements, including trade unions, feminist movements and political party representatives, a signature campaign was launched at the Latin American continental level within the framework of the ‘Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question’ campaign launched globally in October 2023. The campaign was announced at a press conference at the CTA-Autonoma Centre in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.

Many MPs, representatives of women’s movements, social movements and trade unions attended the conference, where all participants expressed their common demand to take action for the freedom of Öcalan.

The organisations that attended the conference and presented messages are as follows: PTP-PCR (Partido del Trabajo y del Pueblo y Partido Comunista Revolucionario) – Party of Labour and People and Revolutionary Communist Party; MST (Movimiento Socialista de los Trabajadores) – Socialist Workers’ Movement; PTS (Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas) – Socialist Workers’ Party; Partido Obrero – Labour Party; Izquierda Socialista – Socialist Left; Gremial de Abogados – Lawyers’ Association; Feministas Abya Yala; APDH (Asamblea Permanente de DDHH) – Permanent Assembly for Human Rights; CTA-Autónoma; Liga por los Derechos del Hombre – League for Human Rights; Encuentro Militante Cachito Fukman – Cachito Fukman Militant Meeting; Asociación Americana de Juristas – American Association of Jurists; Poder Popular – People’s Power; Pañuelos en Rebeldía- Scarves in Rebellion.

Leandro Albani made a presentation about the genocide policies against Kurds in four parts of Kurdistan and drew attention to the prison policies of the Iranian state and the death sentence against Kurdish activist Warisha Moradi. He also stated that the dirty war policy of the Turkish state continues in Rojava and that genocide policies are being implemented against the people by destroying civilian areas such as hospitals, schools and food stores.

Speaking on behalf of the Kurdish women’s movement, Aida emphasised the importance of Abdullah Öcalan to the Kurdish people.

Felipe, who connected to the conference via Zoom on behalf of ADM, drew attention to the third world war in the Middle East and the strategic importance of the Kurdish people and their geography in the middle of this war.

The conference participants emphasised that mere words are not enough and that actions are important for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan.

82 organisations and 9 individuals from 10 countries participated in the signature campaign on its first day.