New issue of Lêgerîn Magazine out

The new issue of Lêgerîn Magazine is out. Issue 15 is called Youth defending Nature. The editors write: “In forests and parks, on mountains and beaches, in lonely cities, over roots and breeches, through streets and wide fields, we walk.

We have started this revolution on a dried out land. Where nature is used to torture, not to nurture us. Like a dead object and not the source of birth, growth, and life of every being. Humans, animals and plants were made to become weapons in wars for capital and power. The spirit of wholeness, carried by the woman, they tried to destroy. And with it, the organizational structure of human beings: Society.”

The editors continued: “The ecological struggle is one of the defining issues of our time. And it is precisely in times like these that young people must play their vanguard role in finding a solution. What is stopping us from achieving this?”