‘Operation Enduring Security’ in the region of Hol completed

The Operation Room of Enduring Security announced the end of the operation against ISIS in and around Hol camp.

The press statement, read by YPJ Press Officer Ruken Cemal in Kurdish and by the Internal Security Forces Commander Qehreman Murad in Arabic, said the following:

“Over seven days, the operation room of Operation Enduring Security, formed by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Internal Security Forces and led by the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) and the Women’s Internal Security Forces, conducted a large-scale sweep and comb operation in the southern and northern countryside of Hol, Hol city, and Hol camp. Concurrently, precise security operations targeted the hideouts of ISIS cells in these areas.

During the initial two days, the operation combed over 200 villages in the southern and northern Hol countryside, extending 70 kilometers from the Iraqi-Syrian border into the desert regions. Subsequently, the operation shifted its focus to the Hol camp and the city. Five thousand fighters from the forces participated in this endeavor, supported by the international coalition forces.

In addition to the primary combing operations, the forces raided more than 60 targets and hideouts belonging to ISIS cells within and outside the operation areas of Hol, such as Tal Hamis, Tal Kochar countryside, and east of Heseke city.

Since the operation’s inception, the forces of Operation Enduring Security have been unwavering in their commitment to providing optimal conditions for its success and achieving its objectives. These objectives include eliminating terrorist hideouts and eradicating the environment conducive to ISIS terrorist acts, thereby enhancing security levels in the region and positively impacting the lives and livelihoods of the local population.

As the combing and search operations shifted to the Hol camp for five days, it was evident the security and organizational improvements implemented within the camp through previous security and humanitarian operations, as well as the ongoing efforts of the security forces and camp administration. However, these improvements did not align with the interests of ISIS who persisted in its attempts to reorganize itself both inside and outside the camp, plotting attacks, and reconstituting its so-called “Women’s Hisba” and “Cubs of the Caliphate.” These efforts, however, were thwarted by the continuous security operations conducted by our forces.

Given the significance of the Hol camp, which houses approximately 40,000 ISIS families and other displaced persons, it was imperative to conduct this operation to ensure security, protect the lives of residents, and prevent ISIS from infiltrating the camp. This operation contributes to the ongoing joint effort to combat the terrorist organization ISIS. Consequently, the entire camp was thoroughly combed, particularly the “female migrants” section which ISIS continues to rely on for organizational purposes. The operation revealed the extent of terrorism and extremism among the ISIS families, by discovering a woman’s body tortured and murdered in the camp, based on the confessions of an involved woman.

In addition to the searches, the forces conducted a census, verified resident records, and rectified irregularities related to the provision of false names and identities.

As a result of the comb operations in the northern and southern countryside of Hol, the city of Hol, and its camp, the forces of Operation Enduring Security captured 79 ISIS terrorists, seized a significant quantity of weapons, including bombs and mines, and interrogated 17 women implicated in acts of torture and providing support to ISIS terrorist cells. Furthermore, numerous electronic devices used for communication between ISIS cells and their collaborators within the camp, along with ISIS symbols and flags, were confiscated.

This operation was repeatedly postponed due to the repeated aggressions by the Turkish occupation, both before and during the operation. These aggressions and attacks were intended to obstruct the operation in line with the Turkish occupation’s agenda.

The participating forces that demonstrated high professionalism in the operation, expressed their gratitude to the people of the region for their cooperation. They reaffirm their unwavering commitment to protecting them, ensuring stability, and decisively addressing any attempts to breach security by ISIS or other criminal elements. The forces also thank the international coalition forces for the support and assistance they provided at all stages of the operation.

We call upon the international community to fulfill its responsibilities towards the residents of the Hol camp and provide adequate support to the security forces, as well as service and administrative institutions in the north and eastern regions of Syria. This support should be provided without politicization and should depart from traditional approaches to addressing displaced persons in the region.”