Sebahat Tuncel: We must trust ourselves

The 13th Women’s Conference of the People’s Democratic Congress (HDK) Women’s Assembly continued at the Dr. Kadir Topbaş Cultural and Arts Center in Sancaktepe, with representatives of political parties and HDK organizations gathering under the slogan “We walk with hope, grow with rebellion, and win through resistance.”

Feride Mertoğlu, co-chair of the Socialist Reconstitution Party (SYKP), noted the crisis of the global capitalist system and highlighted the growth of women’s movements in response. “Misogyny is at an all-time high. We know the nature of the system we’re facing, and we’re strengthening the struggle by coming together. We need to form a democratic front against fascism. The Kurdish freedom movement, Turkey’s socialist women’s movement, and the feminist struggle are examples that must inspire others.”

Tanya Kara, General Spokesperson for the Socialist Women’s Assemblies (SKM), stressed the importance of HDK as a platform for joint struggle, and said: “We speak of the resistance of women worldwide—in Palestine, Rojava, everywhere. These struggles are attacked precisely because women are the ones nurturing hope. Rojava is a women’s revolution, and we owe our strength to those who fought before us. We honor the women who fought and fell in the Kobanê resistance.”

Gamze Taşçı from Women’s Liberation said: “They’re trying to suppress the rising women’s movement by targeting our slogan, ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’ (Women, Life, Freedom), hoping to dismantle our ideological foundation. Despite these efforts, both the Kurdish women’s movement and the broader women’s movement in Turkey are determined to continue our struggle. Because our struggle will lead to women’s liberation.”

Tülay Korkutan from the Socialist Solidarity Platform (SODAP) underscored the importance of amplifying women’s struggle. Oya Jale Uçar from the Green Left Party added: “Our answer lies in unified resistance. We are the ones who can stop male violence, profiteering, and environmental destruction. It’s crucial to spread methods of self-defense.”

 “We cannot rely on the state; we must trust ourselves”

Sebahat Tuncel, who served as HDK’s first co-spokesperson in 2011, reflected on HDK’s founding vision, and said: “When we founded HDK, we committed to ‘politicizing the social and socializing the political.’ Today, it’s clear that we must expand HDK to meet the needs of this new era.”

Highlighting Turkey’s long-standing denial and suppression policies surrounding the Kurdish issue, Tuncel pointed out that the systemic crises in Turkey are deeply intertwined with it. Addressing recent debates, she said: “We are at a crossroads, wondering if a peace process is possible. But at the core, we have always said that the Kurdish issue can only be resolved by engaging with its real representatives, and Mr. Öcalan is the true representative. Recent events show that the state has recognized this reality. So, is there a process underway? It doesn’t appear so, but even in the absence of one, we have responsibilities. Today, the government holds a tight grip on the narrative, as we see with figures like Bahçeli now suggesting that Mr. Öcalan speaks in Parliament.”

Sebahat Tuncel added: “This is a significant moment, but we have to consider where this will lead and how the people of Turkey will perceive it. This is a pivotal process, one we cannot leave to the mercy of the state. For years, we’ve been the ones bearing the brunt. This is exactly why HDK’s vision is so crucial. This peace is our peace, and we should not fear it. The government may have initiated this out of a desire to control or due to its deadlock in the Middle East, but what matters to us is our program. We’ll either find a way or create one. So, we can’t trust them, but we must place our trust in our own political program.”

Addressing the ongoing oppression of women, Tuncel continued: “Today, women’s issues are deeply ideological. The male-dominated capitalist system is built on exploiting women’s lives, and this exploitation is now at an unbearable level. We are witnessing femicides on a genocidal scale. Enough is enough! The struggle for freedom will rise through women’s voices. Those who wish to say ‘stop’ to this system must come together. This HDK Women’s Conference is taking place at a historic turning point. If we want to promise peace to our people, we must intensify the women’s struggle. We’re tired of mourning; it’s time to demand accountability for the suffering inflicted upon us. We’ll build the future together. So many of our comrades in prison have no voice outside; they need to be remembered more. In Kobanê, they resisted and succeeded. Salutes to those who resist. We, too, can succeed. We will create a new life.”