TEV-DEM calls for global support for Rojava on World Kobanê Day

The Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) released a written statement on the occasion of 1 November World Kobanê Day.

TEV-DEM noted that ISIS attacked Kobanê on 15 September 2014 with the support of some regional and foreign powers against the 19 July 2012 Revolution and that the Turkish state provided all kinds of support to the gangs. It recalled that revolutionaries, democrats and peace supporters took to the streets all over Kurdistan and the world upon Leader Abdullah Öcalan’s call for mobilisation.

“A historic resistance was put up in Kobanê and the dreams of the conspirators and Turkish fascism were frustrated. Nobel laureates, historians, philosophers and non-governmental organisations declared 1 November 2014 as the day of support and solidarity for Kobanê. Millions of people around the world took to the streets and Kobanê became a global symbol, with the world seeing how Kobanê defended democracy and the common values of humanity,” TEV-DEM stated.

Pointing out that the threats against the gains of the Kobanê resistance continue on the 10th anniversary of the resistance, TEV-DEM said, “Occupiers, gangs and conspirators are again targeting the gains of the resistance of Kobanê and Rojava Kurdistan. We call for increased global support for Rojavayê (Western) Kurdistan and the gains of the peoples of North and East Syria. Rojava resisted humanity; humanity must also protect Rojava.”