SDF: The legacy of our martyrs is the basis of our establishment

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) General Command issued a statement to mark the ninth anniversary of their establishment (10 October 2015). 

The statement said: “Our SDF forces are based on a great legacy of the blood and sacrifices of the martyrs of the Women Protections Units YPJ and the People Protection Units YPG, as well as on a huge number of victories and successful military campaigns achieved thanks to the courage of thousands of young men and women in the regions of North and Eastern Syria Region and the loyalty and dedication of the people who gave everything for the victory of the revolution. On this occasion, as we remember all our heroic martyrs, we congratulate our people, our fighters, and all the peoples who yearn for freedom.”

The statement continued: “The formation of the Syrian Democratic Forces is the culmination of a great march started by our people, where a lot of experience, wisdom, patience, courage, self-confidence and belief in victory have accumulated in the hearts of the fighters and the people of Rojava, who did not trust any party except the YPJ and YPG units and self-protection committees that established the legitimate defense project in the region. Therefore, talking about the establishment of the Syrian Democratic Forces cannot have any value without going back to history and recalling all the events and battles that preceded that establishment with its difficulties, challenges, and victories, as well as the sacrifices of the commanders and fighters of the units who defied all circumstances and faced challenges with determination and not retreat, even if it cost their lives away from personal interests and narrow perspectives.

The Syrian Democratic Forces were founded by sacrificial and courageous individuals, creative minds who learned from historical experiences and envisioned the future, and brave souls dedicated to protecting the people of the region and preserving the land’s dignity. At a time when other parties in Syria pursued their self-serving interests and were willing to compromise anything.”

The statement added: “Apart from the material circumstances, the establishment of the Syrian Democratic Forces is an affirmation of the identity of the region and its components, therefore, The SDF was distinguished not only by its military strength and number of fighters but also by the identity it represented, the goals it pursued, and the principles its fighters upheld in their daily lives. It truly embodied the essence of our society in north and eastern Syria, characterized by its resistance to tyranny and its sacrifices to protect freedom and dignity, no matter the extent or brutality of the attacks. When people in the region and the world discuss the SDF, they praise the courage and dedication of its fighters to their cause and the sacrifices they have made to protect the region and the world from terrorism and criminality.

There is no doubt that the SDF faced many difficulties and challenges during and after its establishment, starting with the armament and material challenges to attacks from various parties, most notably ISIS and the Turkish occupation state. However, these obstacles served as a test for the SDF’s national, moral, and humanitarian project. By overcoming these challenges and using them as motivation for further struggle and resistance, the SDF achieved significant victories and defeated hostile forces that attacked the region.”

The statement underlined “the SDF’s ability to overcome difficulties and challenges demonstrated its strength and determination, providing a foundation upon which the aspirations and dreams of all components of the region could be built.

From this position, the SDF liberated one region after another, freeing millions of people and establishing a larger front to combat ISIS, the most powerful terrorist force.

The liberation of thousands of square kilometers, countless villages, and towns was not merely a numerical achievement. Still, it is the result of thousands of martyrs wounded SDF fighters, and countless moments of pain, joy, sacrifice, and battles to liberate millions of people held captive by ISIS and other terrorist forces.

Through the sacrifices of its fighters, the SDF has become a worldwide symbol of the region. Discussing the SDF is synonymous with discussing the region’s history, identity, diversity, and the courage of its young men and women.

Based on its achievements, the SDF and its regional components have established relationships with numerous international powers, most notably the international coalition. The SDF has become the central focus of discussions regarding the war against ISIS terrorism, recognized as the only force that, despite its modest material capabilities, defeated ISIS and expelled it from vast geographical areas, culminating in its military defeat at Baghouz.”

The statement said that “nine years after its establishment, the SDF has grown stronger and more resilient in all areas, despite facing numerous challenges and attacks. It has made significant advancements in armament, increased its personnel, and enhanced its training and operational capabilities. Its fighters are highly disciplined, professional, and adept at creating appropriate conditions to prepare for any emergency.

The SDF’s experiences in recent years, during which it simultaneously faced attacks from the Turkish occupation, ISIS, and other hostile parties, have demonstrated its ability to adapt and overcome challenges. The SDF has not relied on pre-existing conditions but has created appropriate conditions and areas commensurate with its challenges, whether through new tactics in defense and attack, fortifications, training with advanced weapons, or building morale and material resources.”

The statement continued: “The hostile parties’ attempts to eliminate the SDF through large-scale attacks, sowing discord, and plotting have failed. On the contrary, the SDF has become stronger, more resilient, and more determined than ever to achieve the goals and aspirations of its martyrs, protect the region and its people, and liberate the occupied areas. The SDF is committed to proving that attacks will only strengthen its resolve and determination.

Once again, we congratulate the families of our martyrs, our people, and all our fighters on the ninth anniversary of the Syrian Democratic Forces’ founding. We pledge them to achieve more honorable victories for a brighter tomorrow of freedom and dignity.”




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