HBDH: The fascist state is responsible for the Ankara massacre

The Peoples’ United Revolutionary Movement (HBDH) Executive Committee made a written statement on the occasion of the anniversary of the so-called ‘Ankara Train Station Massacre’ on 10 October 2015 which targeted people gathering for the ‘Labor, Peace, and Democracy Rally’ at the Ankara train station.

Nine years have passed since the Ankara Train Station Massacre. The real perpetrators have not been prosecuted in this massacre as in previous massacres. ISIS members involved in this massacre took part in other attacks as well. The fascist state, the main responsible and organiser of the massacre, wants to forget it by spreading it over time,” said the HBDH statement on Thursday, which further included the following:

“The history of the occupying fascist state is written in blood. From the first day it was founded, it pursued a policy of extermination against other peoples. It expelled Armenians and Greeks from their lands. It has been continuing its policy of massacre and assimilation against our Kurdish people for decades. It has always implemented denial, ignoring and massacre as a state policy against different beliefs. It labelled our people of Alevi faith and subjected them to massacres in Maraş, Sivas and Çorum. It tried to intimidate struggles for rights with democratic demands with state terror.

The bourgeois fascist state has carried out many attacks against our peoples and revolutionaries. The AKP-MHP fascist government has also been attacking our peoples since the day it was founded. In addition to the attacks against guerrillas and revolutionaries, the Amed (Diyarbakır) massacre, the Gezi massacre, the Suruç Massacre and the 10 October 2015 Ankara Station massacre are just some of them. The Islamist fascist government feeds on the blood of our peoples. It maintains its power through massacres and arrests.

The most brutal massacre in Turkey is the Ankara Station Massacre perpetrated by state-sponsored ISIS militants on 10 October 2015. Two ISIS terrorists blew themselves up in the midst of thousands of people who had gathered for a rally in Ankara upon the call of trade unions and NGOs. 103 people lost their lives in the blast and hundreds of people were injured.

According to the information that came out later, the gangs had travelled to Ankara to carry out the attack. The state had removed all obstacles for them to carry out the attack. They passed through the search points without any problems. They reached the place of action without any problems. The aftermath is clear. A bloody page like 1 May, Gazi, Sivas, etc. was opened. The masses who claimed their rights, demanded accountability and acted in an organised manner were meant to be intimidated.

The fascist AKP, which was exposed in the eyes of our peoples and all its lies were exhausted in the face of the Kobanê resistance before the June 2015 elections, suffered a great loss of votes. In the June elections, it became unable to form a government alone. In order to overcome the process that it found itself it, it launched a total attack against our peoples and their pioneers, and the liquidation process was launched. The all-out attack started with the Suruç massacre in 2015. Massacres and arrests followed one after another.

Ahmet Davutoğlu, the AKP Prime Minister at the time, declared that they fed on massacres, saying: ‘We had surveys conducted before and after the Ankara attack. Our votes increased after the attack’. The then Minister of Interior, Selami Altınok, defended the massacres by saying ‘There is no security weakness’ when journalists asked him ‘Are there any shortcomings on the side of the police?’. The governor of Ankara did not authorise an investigation against the police officers who were negligent in their duties. The killers walked around freely.

The AKP-MHP fascist government wanted to subjugate people through fear. The reason why they were so aggressive in 2015 is that a new liquidation process was put into operation to intimidate and subjugate people with the policy of state terror and not to allow the smallest action and reaction against the state and the government. They wanted to silence people with violence and massacre. Seeking rights, protesting and criticising the government was enough to be massacred and imprisoned.

The massacres committed against our peoples in Dersim, Zîlan, Maraş, Amed and 1 May are not forgotten. The massacres committed by the AKP-MHP fascist government, the massacres in Amed, Gezi, Suruç and Ankara station massacres are not forgotten today. Every massacre ferments the anger of our peoples. This accumulated anger will explode on the head of the fascist state. No massacre will remain in the dark.

Nine years have passed since the Ankara Train Station Massacre. Our pain is still fresh and our anger is growing day by day. The task before us is to organise this growing righteous anger correctly. We can destroy the AKP-MHP fascist government, which has been carrying out a policy of oppression and massacre against our peoples since its establishment, by ensuring a united struggle and the unity of peoples. It is the most important task of the forces of united struggle to bring together all those who are oppressed and persecuted by this fascist order in the demands of revolutionary struggle. With this consciousness, our duty is to organise, struggle and resist in order to ask for the account of the massacres. As the resistance against oppression grows, the murderers will look for a place to escape. But they will have nowhere to escape. They will answer for what they have done against our peoples.”



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