CI and CGT Catalunya demand freedom for Abdullah Öcalan

The Confederación Intersindical (Intersindical Confederation – CI) and the General Confederation of Labour (CGT) of Catalonia, said in a statement: “If freedom is being taken away from people who are fighting for a better world, we cannot remain silent against this.”

On 9 October 1998, Abdullah Öcalan was forced to leave Syria in the face of the Turkish state threatening war if he was not handed over.

Confederación Intersindical

The Confederación Intersindical said on the first anniversary of the international initiative “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a political solution to the Kurdish question”: “A year later, we continue to insist: freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, for a political solution to the demands of the Kurdish people.”


In its statement, published on its website, the Confederación Intersindical said that an international campaign was launched for the freedom of Öcalan, and added: “We would like to reiterate our commitment to condemn human rights violations in Turkey. The freedom of the prisoners will undoubtedly be the most important step that will pave the way for further dialogues and negotiations to find a political solution to the demands of the Kurdish people within the borders of Turkey. In this regard, the various contributions of Abdullah Öcalan would play a central role in reaching the final solution to the Kurdish question.”

CGT Catalunya

The CGT Catalunya said in its message: “We want to give our support to the Kurdistan liberation movement by participating in the international campaign for the liberation of the Kurdish people Abdullah Öcalan. The Turkish state arrested him and isolated him in Imrali prison for 25 years. His imprisonment is aimed at incarcerating anti-state, anti-patriarchal and anti-capitalist ideas.


Women’s liberation, social ecology and self-government are the pillars on which democratic confederalism is built. The ideas and practices of the Kurdish people’s liberation movement directly confront the authoritarian structures of the nation-state and represent a threat to the states of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria.

We demand the release of Öcalan because, as anarcho-syndicalists, we cannot remain silent in the face of the deprivation of freedom of all those who fight for a better world. Because in the comrades of the Rojava Revolution, we see an example of a struggle that gives new hope to social movements around the world, organized outside the nation-state and the dictatorship of capital. Freedom for Öcalan! A political solution for Kurdistan!”


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