International delegation of journalists holds a series of meetings in Sulaymaniyah

Kurdish journalists Gulistan Tara (40) and Hêro Bahadîn (27) were killed on 23 August in a targeted drone attack by the Turkish state in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). Six other media workers who, like their killed colleagues, worked for the free Kurdish press were injured, some seriously.

An international delegation of journalists has traveled to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to find out more about the background to the murder of journalists Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn. Six media professionals from Europe, namely Alice Magar, Emma Audrey, Diler Akrei, Hendrin Faraj Mohamed, Jallan Ziaei and Devrim Alp, arrived in the metropolis of Sulaymaniyah on Sunday at the invitation of the Association of Kurdish Women Journalists (ROJIN).

Although more than six weeks have passed since the attack, the Iraqi authorities have neither condemned the killing of the two women nor made a serious attempt to work towards identifying and punishing those responsible. ROJIN has since repeatedly called on the government in Baghdad to investigate the killing of Tara and Bahadîn as a war crime in order to “hold the aggressor Turkey accountable for its actions and to ensure the protection of journalists and press freedom” – but so far in vain.

‘A united stance should be taken against Turkish massacres’

The international delegation held their first meeting with the Governor of Sulaymaniyah, Heval Ebubekir. The delegation was accompanied by Kemal Hemaraza, Karwan Mahmud, Enes Mihemed, Berhem Adil and Şadyar Şoreş from Chatr production, where Tara and Bahadîn worked.

Journalists condemned the massacre and the escalating attacks by the Turkish state and said that journalists are under threat. Speaking on behalf of the delegation, journalist Diler Akrei said, “The massacre of Hêro and Gülistan and similar political murders jeopardise the freedom of Sulaymaniyah. This situation must be opposed by everyone. A united stance should be taken against these massacres carried out by the Turkish state in the person of our two journalist friends.”

Hendrin Faraj Mohammed, stating that the danger is great, demanded that the murderers and those who gave the order be tried. Mohammed said, “Journalists, press organisations and Sulaymaniyah administration should oppose these intimidation policies. Everyone should be able to carry out their press and media activities freely.”

Devrim Alp stated that everyone should feel safe in Sulaymaniyah and demanded that the murderers be sentenced.

Journalist Jallan Ziaei pointed out the betrayal role of the KDP in the massacre and occupation policies of the Turkish state. “We are here to prevent similar massacres,’ Ziaei said, adding, “We must stand against these attacks together.”

Governor Heval Ebubekir said that Sulaymaniyah is a free city and this state should be protected.

“Journalists are being targeted to darken our path,” the governor said and drew attention to the fact that attacks against journalists are intended to hide the truth from the people.

Ebubekir said that they had made an initiative before the Turkish Consulate regarding the murder of Tara and Bahadîn and conveyed their discomfort. He added that everyone should consider themselves responsible for the situation.

Emma Audrey, a journalist in the delegation, noted that she works with the CGT union in France, which deals with the safety of journalists.

Expressing her sorrow over the deaths of Tara and Bahadîn, Audrey said, “When a journalist is killed, not only one journalist is killed, but thousands of voices.”

After the meeting with the governor, the delegation visited Chatr Production.

The delegation also visited the offices of Tara and Bahadîn and denounced the attacks of the occupying Turkish state.

In the speeches made on behalf of the delegation, it was pointed out that these attacks were aimed at intimidation, and called for the struggle of Tara and Bahadîn and the profession of journalism to be protected.

The delegation also emphasised that the free press has been on the trail of truth for decades, and underlined that the struggle of the martyred journalists can be protected by walking on this path.

The production staff expressed their thanks to the delegation and said that they would embrace the struggle of Tara and Bahadîn.

The delegation then visited METRO, the Organisation for the Protection and Defence of the Rights of Journalists, welcomed by METRO founder Rahman Xerib and director Diyarî Mihemed.

The delegation recalled the Turkish state’s massacres and attacks against journalists and emphasised that journalism is the symbol of freedom and democracy.

Defining the deadly attack against Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn as unacceptable, the delegation members stated that a common stance should be taken for journalists. The delegation asked METRO to follow the case which claimed the lives of journalists.

METRO founder Rahman Xerib and director Diyari Mihemed emphasised that the attacks were unacceptable. Stating that they will follow up the issue, METRO officials expressed their condolences and solidarity.

The delegation paid the next visit to Rojnews Agency and was welcomed by the agency staff. Journalist Aziz Köylüoğlu gave information about Rojnews and stated that they follow the truth. Köylüoğlu stated that the reason for the attacks of the occupying Turkish state is to hide the truth and that free press workers are targeted because they convey the truth to the people. Köylüoğlu expressed the problems faced by journalists and emphasised that they would continue their struggle.

Delegation member Diler Akrei provided information about the work of the delegation and expressed their support for the work of the free press.

Jalaan Ziaei condemned the aggressions of the Turkish state and those who support its invasion attacks. Remarking that the line of betrayal led to these massacres that mainly target women.

Stating that their aim is to ensure the freedom of journalists, Jalaan Ziaei expressed their solidarity and called for joint struggle.

In the speeches made on behalf of the delegation, attention was drawn to the crisis in the Middle East and the importance of the safety of journalists was emphasised. It was underlined that it is important to convey the truth to the society in times of crisis and chaos.

Afterwards, the delegation visited the Sulaymaniyah branch of JIN TV. During the meeting, JIN TV officials drew attention to the fact that women journalists are targeted in the first place and reminded of the murder of Nagihan Akarsel, a journalist and member of the Academy of Jineoloji, by the Turkish state in Sulaymaniyah on 4 October 2022.

Members of the delegation called for solidarity and defence of the journalism profession.

The journalists visited Hêro Bahadîn’s family, accompanied by the employees of Chatr Production, Rojnews agency, JIN TV Sulaymaniyah office.

The family members expressed their anger against the Turkish state and demanded that those responsible be put on trial.

The delegation conveyed their condolences to the family and underlined that Hêro Bahadîn will not be forgotten and that they will fight for the prosecution of the murderers and those who gave orders until they get results.

The delegation stated that a delegation of lawyers has been established in Europe for both women journalists and that they will defend the rights of the family in the international arena.

The delegation of journalists noted that efforts are being made to prosecute the Turkish state in international courts for the crimes it has committed.

Afterwards, family members, the delegation and free press members commemorated Hêro Bahadîn at her grave where they planted an olive tree.

The delegation then visited Rêbîn Bekir, the social media manager of Chatr Production, who survived the attack and was driving the vehicle. Rêbîn Bekir said that they were attacked while they were on their way to film a programme in the Hewraman region. To the visitors’ question “Will you continue to do journalism?” Bekir said, “Of course I will. As my friends said, we are in the right place and doing the right job. It is the occupiers who attacked and terrorised Sulaymaniyah.”



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