KCK: The global struggle against the International Conspiracy must be expanded

The co-presidency of the KCK Executive Council issued a statement on the anniversary of the conspiracy against Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan [9 October 1998, when he was forced to leave Syria], and said that “the global struggle against the International Conspiracy must be expanded”.

The statement said: “It has been 26 years since the October 9th international conspiracy, one of the biggest political operations in human history, carried out with great hostility, betrayal, and hypocrisy. We once again condemn this conspiracy and all those who participated in this attack on Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] that aimed to stifle the freedom struggle of the Kurdish people, the peoples of the Middle East, and the oppressed peoples of the world.

Deep sorrow and anger among the Kurdish people, the freedom movement, and freedom militants were created through the international conspiracy against Rêber Apo, the one who initiated the Kurdistan freedom revolution and, through his struggle, revived the Kurdish people. Those who took the slogan ‘You cannot darken our sun!’ as their guiding principle and took action, turned around this sadness and anger, and carried out the most noble struggle in history against the biggest conspiracy in history, revealing what the only correct approach against the international conspiracy should be, thereby answering the search of our people and our movement.”

The statement added: “The peoples of Kurdistan and the freedom movement have been in an uninterrupted struggle against the international conspiracy by following this slogan from the bottom of their hearts. The struggle, which has developed through the legacy of the martyrs that represent “You cannot darken our sun!” has continued to grow, and today it has become one of the greatest struggles in history by turning into a global struggle for freedom. We once again commemorate with great respect the martyrs by commemorating Halit Oral, Aynur Artan, and Selamet Mentesh, who were the pioneers of this struggle. We bow with respect before their valuable struggle. By commemorating them, we commemorate all the martyrs of revolution and democracy with respect, love, and gratitude, and we reiterate our commitment to the martyrs and our promise to succeed.

The conspiracy of October 9 is one of the most important incidents of our time, and, accordingly, must be well understood. Many global, regional, and local powers put pressure on Syria, and when Rêber Apo realized that the state could not stand up to it and saw it as the only option to leave the country.

This is how the international conspiracy began. The fact that so many powers came together in the conspiracy is due to the achievements of Rêber Apo and the PKK in Kurdistan and the Middle East. Even forces with fundamentally opposing interests have joined forces. This reveals that the conspiracy was carried out as a plan and operation of hegemonic powers. It was the hegemonic powers of capitalist modernity, the USA, Britain, and Israel, who planned and carried out the conspiracy.

The NATO and European states are also partners and were responsible for setting in action. In fact, the conspiracy was developed as a Gladio operation. In addition to those already mentioned, many other states and powers have participated in and supported the conspiracy. All this underlines why it is of such importance to try to fully understand the conspiracy. Without understanding the purpose of the conspiracy, the plans of the hegemonic powers towards the Middle East and the developments in the region today cannot be understood.”

The statement continued: “There is a very close relationship between the international conspiracy and the redesign of the Middle East by the forces of capitalist modernity. The US and the forces of capitalist modernity saw Rêber Apo and the PKK as an obstacle to themselves and targeted them. They did so because the struggle of Rêber Apo and the PKK in the Middle East has brought the liberation of the Kurdish people and the peoples of the Middle East by breaking the mentality and structures of the genocidal, colonialist, racist, reactionary, and collaborative order.

This struggle developed on the basis of freedom and equal coexistence in the Middle East and jeopardized the interests of capitalist modernity. It made the forces of capitalist modernity, pioneered by the USA and Israel, aim to weaken and eliminate the PKK. On this basis, the genocide-colonialist Turkish state was given full and uninterrupted support within the framework of the NATO partnership. After the end of the Cold War, with the US-led redesign of the Middle East on the agenda, the international conspiracy was planned and put into action within the framework of this project.

The forces of capitalist modernity had realized that they could not design the Middle East in the way they wanted without eliminating the PKK’s struggle that liberated the peoples and women in the Middle East and brought solutions to social problems. In this respect, they saw the elimination of the PKK line as one of the most important steps in the redesign of the Middle East. So, the international conspiracy was planned and realized within the scope of the Third World War. The international conspiracy is one of the most crucial stages of the Third World War.”

The statement underlined that “another goal of the international conspiracy was to revive the vein of treason among the Kurdish people, which had weakened with the emergence of the PKK. The collaborative Kurds were given a role, and an intense effort was made to develop their stance, especially in southern Kurdistan. Their role is crucial in the concept of liquidating the PKK and the free Kurdish identity represented by the PKK within the scope of the interests of capitalist modernity in the Middle East. The forces of capitalist modernity planned and realized the international conspiracy mainly on the basis of understanding this reality in depth and waging a strong struggle against the vain of collaboration and treason in the Kurdish people is the most fundamental dimension of the struggle against the international conspiracy, collaboration and treason.

Therefore, the role of treasonous Kurds in the international conspiracy is very great. Understanding this reality in depth and waging a strong struggle against the vain of collaboration and treason among the Kurdish people is the most fundamental dimension of the struggle against the international conspiracy. The deepening betrayal of the Kurdish collaborators today reveals this reality.

Understanding the international conspiracy is also very important for understanding the developments in the Middle East today. By attempting to neutralize Rêber Apo and the struggle of the PKK, the alternative model of free coexistence of the peoples in the Middle East was sought to be eliminated. Thus, it was aimed at overcoming the biggest obstacle in front of capitalist modernity. Israel’s active participation in the international conspiracy stems from the role assigned to it by the capitalist modernity system in the redesign of the Middle East.

The fact that today, with the support of the US and European states, the way is being paved for Israel while the international conspiracy continues in the form of absolute isolation speaks volumes and makes it understandable. This situation reveals the reality of the Turkish state and the fascist chief, Tayyip Erdoğan, in particular, and unmasks their true faces. With their approach to Rêber Apo and by continuing their policies of Kurdish genocide by resorting to all kinds of horrible methods, they reveal that they are the servants and collaborators of the Middle East policies of the USA, Israel, and NATO.

It is clear that the international conspiracy to eliminate the model of alternative free coexistence of the peoples and to redesign the Middle East on the basis of the interests of the capitalist modernity system is being carried out by the forces of capitalist modernity. The continuation of the isolation and genocide system of Imrali is the proof and result of this. The fact that Tayyip Erdoğan and the AKP are implementing this plan reveals the purpose and project for which they work. They have been given the task of continuing the international conspiracy and carrying out Kurdish genocide policies on this basis. They were prepared for this, and for this they were brought to power.”

The KCK said that “when all this is taken into consideration, it becomes clear that the International Conspiracy is not limited to ending the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom but is a plan developed against the developing struggle for freedom in the Middle East and in essence targets humanity and free life. The struggle against the international conspiracy is an ideological and political struggle.

As a result of his reflections and research in Imrali, Rêber Apo has adopted a stance based on democracy, ecology, and women’s liberation and is geared towards making the conspiracy come to nothing. This enabled him to develop a correct struggle. By developing the mentality of democratic modernity and democratic nation against the mentality of capitalist modernity and its nation-state, nationalist, racist, male-dominated system, which is hostile to nature, society, and women and which has brought life to the point of ending, Rêber Apo has given the most effective weapon to peoples, women, and humanity. It can be said that with the development of the global freedom campaign, the greatest struggle for truth and freedom in history against the greatest conspiracy in history has reached the level it should have reached.”

The KCK added: “By achieving the goals it has set out, the global freedom campaign will succeed in developing the alternative system of life that our age has been waiting for by frustrating a historical conspiracy developed by the sovereign powers in all its dimensions for the first time. On this basis, the struggle against the international conspiracy will achieve its goal by increasing the global freedom campaign and achieving its goals of physical freedom for Rêber Apo and a democratic solution to the Kurdish question. With this awareness, on the 27th anniversary of the international conspiracy, the struggle against the conspiracy must be expanded within the scope of the global freedom campaign, and the international conspiracy must be completely frustrated by ensuring the physical freedom of Rêber Apo.”


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