HPG pays tribute to guerrillas Şiyar Cûdî and Nûda Êrîş Andok

The Press Center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) paid tribute to guerrillasŞiyar Cûdî and Nûda Êrîş Andok, who died seven years ago, and published information about their identities.

“Our comrades Şiyar and Nûda were self-sacrificing militants of our PKK party and brave children of our people. They left us a great legacy of struggle as their successors. We express our condolences to the families of our fallen comrades, the people of Van and Şirnak, and the entire people of Kurdistan,” the HPG said in a statement.

The following information was provided about the martyrs.

 Code name: Şiyar Cûdî

 First and last name: Ersin Arvas

 Place of birth: Wan

 Names of mother and father: Zübeyde – Tahir

 Date and place of death: September 4, 2017 / Zap

 Code name: Nûda Êrîş Andok

 First and last name: Deniz Bayar

 Place of birth: Şirnex

 Names of mother and father: Fatma – Metin

 Date and place of death: September 4, 2017 / Zap

Şiyar Cûdî

Şiyar Cûdî was born in the Geliyê Karkarê area of ​​Van-Gevaş (Wan-Westan). He and his family had to leave the village where he was born due to state oppression, when thousands of Kurdish villages were burned down and people executed. The family moved to Van, but Şiyar visited the village as often as possible and enjoyed life in nature. As an adolescent, he became active in the Kurdish youth movement, and in 2007 he joined the guerrillas.


From North Kurdistan, he went to the Medya Defense Areas for training, after which he took on practical tasks in various places. He joined the Hêzên Taybet special unit, thereby declaring his explicit willingness to make sacrifices in the fight for a free life. In order to arm himself ideologically and militarily, he underwent intensive training.

For him, willingness to make sacrifices did not just mean accepting one’s own death. For Şiyar, it was an attitude in life to which he devoted himself 24 hours a day and which he saw as a service to society and humanity.

He lived and fought for this until his last breath. Şiyar Cûdî was killed in an enemy attack in the Zap region on 4 September 2017.

Nûda Êrîş Andok

Nûda Êrîş Andok was born in Şirnak-Silopi in the Botan region and grew up in an environment close to the PKK.

Members of her family were active in the Kurdish freedom movement, and the liberation struggle had an impact on her as a child. In her youth, she became aware that her identity as a Kurd was not recognized and that women were not allowed to have their own will. She studied the women’s liberation ideology that emerged from the PKK movement and became politically active.


After her older brother joined the guerrilla movement, she increased her commitment and worked in the social sector. During the mobilization for the defense of Kobanê against ISIS in 2014, she took part in street protests and other activities.

In 2015, she went to the mountains and was trained as a guerrilla fighter in the Medya Defense Zones. As a militant of the Free Women’s Units (YJA Star), she saw the leadership role of women in the freedom struggle and in society and wanted to live up to her mission.

She focused on the development of the women’s army and became part of the Hêzên Taybet, a special unit that requires ideological depth. After difficult and intensive training, she fulfilled the tasks assigned to her with a great sense of responsibility and revolutionary strength of will. Her last place of deployment was in Zap. There she fell as a martyr on 4 September 2017.



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