Intersindical Solidària calls for action for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan

The global campaign demanding freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and a political solution to the Kurdish question continues to receive support from many circles.

Intersindical Solidària, a trade union active in the autonomous region of Valencia, issued a statement on the first anniversary of the ‘Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and a peaceful solution to the Kurdish question’ campaign which was launched globally on 10 October 2023.

‘As Intersindical Solidària, an international solidarity organisation from Valencia, we declare our participation in the global campaign ‘Freedom for Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question’, which brings together activists, artists, intellectuals, elected representatives, social movements, trade unions, political parties and millions of Kurds around the world,’ the trade union said.

Reminding that Abdullah Öcalan’s isolation conditions have not been ended and that he continues to be kept under absolute isolation by the Turkish authorities for three and a half years in violation of the law, the union stated, “On the other hand, the campaign also aims to develop a fair, democratic and dialogue-based political solution to the Kurdish question in Turkey and to ensure the participation of the imprisoned Kurdish leader in this process.”

“Intersindical Solidària expresses its support for the objectives of the campaign, its full solidarity with the struggle of the Kurdish people and their organisations and calls on the institutions in Valencia, Spain and Europe to take action to stop the attacks on Kurdistan by Turkey and other states in the region, to ensure the release Öcalan and to develop a political solution to the Kurdish question,’ the union said in an appeal to international institutions.


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