Occupation forces kidnap 7 people for ransom in Afrin

According to a statement released by the Afrin-Syria Human Rights Organisation on Monday, the Turkish state-affiliated gangs of ‘al-Amshat’ kidnapped 7 Kurdish citizens in the district of Mabata.

According to the report, the gangs affiliated to the Turkish state demanded a ransom between 300 and 500 dollars from the families of the abducted people.

The names of the abducted civilians are as follows: Mihemed Îzet Bekir (45), Xebat Îzet Bekir (38), Beşar Zuhêr Hemade (25), Diyar Şêx, Basil Henan Çîçeko (26), Dilo Ehmed Mistefa (39) and Elî Mixtar (45).

The Turkish state, which has established a complete terror regime in occupied Afrin, kidnaps people almost on a daily basis and treats them inhumanely. While the whereabouts of the abducted people are not disclosed, ransom is often demanded from their families. The gang regime confiscates property belonging to the people and seizes or loots their basic livelihoods. While the overwhelming majority of Afrin’s Kurdish population has been forcibly displaced, families of the gangs and migrants from other regions and countries have been settled in the region as part of the ethnic cleansing campaign. Numerous colonies have been established for this purpose.


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