Internal Security Forces work relentlessly to maintain peace and stability in Deir ez-Zor

Loehi El Setem, General Management Member of Internal Security Forces in Deir ez-Zor Region, spoke to ANF about the security situation and the activities carried out in Deir ez-Zor. Loehi El Setem stated that after the liberation of Deir ez-Zor, the construction process started with the establishment of the People’s Assembly and the Military Council, and added, “Internal Security Forces also played an important role in this process. For a comfortable, peaceful and safe life, we have been involved in the work 24 hours a day without interruption. Of course, this process had its difficulties. After the territorial end of the ISIS threat, there were some obstacles. Foremost among these were the secret cell organisations in the region. A large number of sleeper cells, which constantly attempted attacks, spread in the region. These cells were assigned to prevent the establishment of peace and stability in Deir ez-Zor. We have been on alert against the dirty activities of these cells. The people of the region and the tribes have also supported us for the establishment of peace and stability.”

Multifaceted attacks

Loehi El Setem noted that not only ISIS but also the gangs backed by the Damascus government and Iran, such as Difaa al-Watani, took action to disrupt the atmosphere of trust in Deir ez-Zor: “While these groups were attacking from the other side of the water, the secret cell structures in the region had the opportunity to move and organise more easily. It was the people who suffered the most from the attacks on the other side of the Euphrates and under the control of the Damascus administration. Many lives were lost in these attacks.”

The people suffered great damage

Loehi El Setem noted that they are constantly vigilant against terrorist groups attacking the region and that they are carrying out operations. He said that many secret cell structures have been neutralized so far and continued: “An operation to strengthen peace and security has been carried out in Deir ez-Zor for nearly a year.  This operation, led by the Internal Security Forces, was supported by all institutions in the region as well as the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces). Recently, there have been attacks targeting the SDF and Asayish checkpoints. The people suffered great damage in these attacks, most of which were carried out from the other side of the Euphrates, from the areas under the control of the Damascus administration. They carry out such attacks from time to time. Their aim is to intimidate the people of the region and destabilise it. We will not allow this.”

Internal Security Forces serving in the region are specially selected and trained

Loehi El Setem shared the following information regarding the organisation of the Internal Security Forces in Deir ez-Zor: “It is primarily our duty to ensure the security of the region. We continue our work against secret cell structures, drug traffickers and organised crime without interruption. The members of the Internal Security Forces serving in the region are specially selected and trained in special academies. They receive ideological and military training in these academies. Everything from the best training to the best service is done for the region. We see all this as a debt to our people. As the children of Deir ez-Zor, we will protect our region from all attacks. The only power working for the society is the Autonomous Administration and its institutions. We call on everyone to unite around the Autonomous Administration and bring peace and stability to Deir ez-Zor.”


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